ShadowBringers MSQ! | 🔴 FFXIV Livestream

Welcome to my Stream! The stream starts at 10:00 AM (MDT/UTC-6) on Saturday, August 12th. We will be continuing our journey through the ShadowBringers MSQ!

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👀 What should we do on stream next?

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🎧 Music:

Starting Soon/BRB/Ending: Flecks_of_light
Gameplay Background: StreamBeats (At The Planetarium)

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1 thought on “ShadowBringers MSQ! | 🔴 FFXIV Livestream”

  1. I think a lot of tanking tips were already told by chat but there is some things I want to help with. With your The Blackest Night shield, it may cost you 3000mp, but if it breaks, you get a free use of your other MP skills so using it in a pack of mobs or tank busters is a neutral MP so you don't lose anything

    You gain your MP back from your second attack from your single target combo and your second attack of your AoE combo so you should move it closer to your AOE buttons.

    And lastly… Take your time! I know it can be stressful to tank for the first time, especially on stream, but you are with the TBC! They will go at your pace. Take a look around the dungeons, take in the sights and music and the world. Don't feel like you have to speed run things because other tanks do it. You are here for the story and lore of the game as well!


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