Shadowbringers 5.4 Reactions! | FFXIV

I’m so happy that my lil baby kobold Ga Bu is ok. I enjoyed Matoya’s Relict so so much and I’m so happy that Limsa really acknowledged their mistakes with the kobolds and made an effort to fix things. Also Fandaniel.. what the heck!?


24 thoughts on “Shadowbringers 5.4 Reactions! | FFXIV”

  1. I think the voice actors were not able to work in the studio for this patch because of lockdowns, so that's why some of them seem a little bit off. I think it was probably a lack of hands-on direction and only doing a couple of takes. It still sounds great though, but you can notice a little bit of a change.

  2. We all miss the first, Bree…thats just a lingering thing from now on! xD

    Also when they were talking about Matoya, they were spelling out an abbreviation {SHEILA}, the name of the VA who died before the patch came out, hence the newer VA…this little dialogue was their way of saying farewell to her.

  3. To me, Merlwyb is by far the best part of 5.4. Both the pirate duel/talk scene and patriarch/Merlwyb scenes had me tear up. BTW. there's only 3 unsundered Ascians. Emet-Selch, Elidibus and Lahabrea. And they're all dead. Only the sundered ones like Fandaniel remain. Also, did you notice that the resistance soldier was not tempered to an entity, but Garlemald.

  4. I know the opinions of Fandaniel are mixed but as a LONG time Final Fantasy fan, I absolutely adore him. The "Crazed Ancient" who is just tired of it all and wants to burn the world to the ground? Every good Final Fantasy game always needs one. Inject that shit right into my veins. I love that it's also allowed Asahi's voice actor to go full ham and lose his mind in his performance. Fandaniel is so fascinating to me. Because while he says he wants to just destroy everything, he clearly has some other agendas also in action, as is evident by his smirk and actions during things like the Endwalker trailer. So curious to see his real goal. There's nobody more fun to hate than Asahi. I'm almost tempted to say he's more interesting than Zenos.

  5. 0:05 Glad to see you have clowns like this your server as well. =D
    We did something like that last december on Lich with our FC, though with the snowman mount instead.

    And thanks for the great content as always!

  6. Matoya's original voice actor, Sheila Steafel, passed away back in 2019. The line by Y'shtola in Limsa describing Matoya (stubborn, haughty, eccentric, irascible, laconic, annoying) might be a tribute to the VA as the first letters spell out "Sheila"

    Coincidentally, Matoya's current VA also shares the same name (Sheila Reid)

  7. I like the untempering duty. It shows that despite all the aetheric debuffs we suffered, we're still able to kick some ass (albeit at a reduced capacity) in comparison to those without our particularly robust soul.

  8. I'll be honest here. While Ga Bu's voice was cute, I couldn't take it seriously and kept laughing everytime he spoke. I kept expecting him to turn into Oliver Twist and begging for more gruel.

  9. The moment they tied Gabu with Shadowbringer’s story… was when I’m 100% convinced that the writing staffs leaves no loose ends. I felt so bad for that little kobold.

  10. If I remember correctly, the Nixie (the rain boss in Matoya's dungeon) was Y'shtola's first familiar creation. She has a line about it if you take Trusts in.


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