Shadowbringers 5.2 Reactions! | FFXIV

Anemnesis Anyder is freakin’ amazing and also like SO MUCH LORE IN THIS PATCH my brain was so broken by the end


28 thoughts on “Shadowbringers 5.2 Reactions! | FFXIV”

  1. Whooooooooo boy 5.3 is coming up next. The entire 5.2 patch just felt like escalation and things getting more and more serious and then we had to wait 6 months (because of COVID) before we got the 5.3 resolution.

    Happy you don't need to wait that long 😛

  2. 8:04 I literally said out loud "Aww, Lyna no!" and then you said it too. xD

    It was kinda cute how hopeful you were that Ardbert was back somehow. Before you fought Emet-Selch, your soul was literally breaking apart, and he merged his soul with yours, filling in the cracks in your own. It's not something that can be undone, and so there's literally no way it could be him… but I get it. It doesn't matter how impossible it is, you just want him back, so you think hopefully to yourself "maybe SE came up with some BS plot device to bring him back anyway." I think a lot of us thought like that.

    Ooooh, I really can't wait for your 5.3 video!

  3. Spoiler warning for those who don't want the lore and such revealed.

    So what did we learn in this episode?
    The first big reveal: Zodiark's hearth is Elidibus, and Hydaelyn's is Venat. These two sacrificed themselves when summoning their respective gods.
    The second big reveal: (Which is my favorite) Is that the echo is not special. Before this part in the game we all thought Hydaelyn deliberately chooses her champions and as a token of her trust in us, she grants us the echo. This is not true. The echo is echo of the soul fragment of the Ancient who lives inside of us, a fragment of a couple of old abilities that every Amaurotian/Ancient had. The only reason people get the echo is because the final days were so horrific, so traumatic that it left an imprint even on the shattered souls of the Ancients. When we, the fragmented beings witness a similarly horrific and shocking event (like a calamity or specifically the star shower) it awakens in us granting us those long-forgotten abilities. So the echo was not granted by Hydaelyn…it was always inside of us and it is the reason why when awakened we can hear her voice. Hyaedelyn uses this knowledge to create new servants, new heroes for her..she awakened the echo inside of us by showing us a star shower at the beginning of the game. Also, she literally calls out all the time, every time so that when someone awakens to the echo, they are immediately tempered by her before Zodiark can reach them. Zodiark is fragmented yes but he would be able to recruit new followers the same way she does if Hydaelyn would not snatch everyone up from him.

  4. I get the feeling all this stuff about the echo not being Hydaelyn's gift but Hydaelyn (and Zodiark) awakening the echo through visions of the final days could be quite important in November

  5. Oh, Bree… You never cease to entertain. You make 1,5 hour videos feel short! Always excited to get a new ping from you for a new video uploaded. P.S. If you ever happen to wander to Crystal, Mateus hit me up! I would love to run some content with you. Your reactions would definitely make it a blast, I'm sure.

  6. There is a theory that says the shoebill is Emet. It's a minion drop in Amaurot, it somehow knows the way to the Tempest, it follows you around during the MSQ and its description is ominous af.
    It's funny to think about it.

  7. Guys I think Fandaniel is the reason for the original calamity in the source. Think about it, Emett Selch and Elidibus tell us that the world was perfect and had no problems, except fot the small matter of a world ending calamity that made them have to summon Zodiarc. Fandaniel must have always been insane and wanted to end the world. It's what he still wants now. He is an Ascian from the source, and I think he's just as powerful as Emett, Elidibus and Lahabrea if not more so.

  8. I can't wait to see the next video! It's always fun to watch these scenes again, and experience them once more. Also it's always interesting to see the reactions someone has of experiencing it for the first time and remembering what it was like for ourselves back then as well. So many little things I've totally forgotten about, or didn't even notice!

  9. I'm studying history on the university level and I really love the Ronkan part of Shadowbringers because it actually goes into some of the things I think is most interesting about the study of history. It touches on "Historiography", or "meta-history", the field of how we do and have studied history, and how our ways of studying and understanding history changes our relations to our past and our undestanding of it. It's a really cool and neat concept and it's rare that games actually explore it, I find. One other game I can think of that does it is Morrowind, with the in-universe disagreements on what went down during the Battle of Red Mountain.

    It's some really cool stuff, and it's a concept that has real consequences in real life. The way we remember history informs us as to how we should act today, to either not repeat "the mistakes of the past" (as we see them) or to try and ape some historical epoch we "remember" from the past. When we have certain ideas about the past, the way we write about that past, colors that past. Because history is not something we "find", it's something we create, it's narratives and stories that we imagine and then string together, based on the stories we find, and understand very differently than people at the time probably would. And we can't ever have the same mindset as those people from the past. It's cool that a game actually touches (however briefly and superficially) on that, because we have a tendency to create game-stories where history is some kind of immutable truth and objectively true.

    Also I love watching your reactions to this story. It's one of my favorite Final Fantasy stories. Keep it up!

  10. At first when I saw the star shower at 1:09:19 I thought it was like the Calamity but looking back I realize this is in reference to the 1.0 intro cinematic, your character the WoL had the same vision and that's how they gained the Echo, which is why now everyone else seems to be able to hear her, amazing continuity.


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