September CHARITY SUBATHON Announcement – Finally Trying Out FFXIV?

We teased this on stream the other day, but here is the official announcement! Starting Monday 6th September we are beginning our charity subathon.

For the entire week on Twitch we have loads of cool events and goals set up for you guys including a one shot warcraft-themed D&D session with the team (and a special guest), as well as things like an anime watchalong, playing Final Fantasy 14 and so much more!

30% of everything we make will be going to charity and if we do manage to go the whole week, we’ll bump that up to 40%.

Make sure to stop by on Monday at next week for all of the fun.

Music – c152
Twitter: @Preachgaming
Live Stream –


40 thoughts on “September CHARITY SUBATHON Announcement – Finally Trying Out FFXIV?”

  1. Awesome, looking forward to it. I would love to go to Preach-Con at some point, but going to a Con alone doesn't appeal too much to me, so this is the next best thing

  2. I want Mike to play FFXIV when he's ready to so he'll enjoy it more. I'd hate for him to feel like he's being pressured into it since he's already stated he's not ready to commit to another MMORPG atm.

  3. I feel like forcing Mike to FFXIV is going to backlash so hard.
    I understand people want to see him play, and i do as well but this seems not the best way to go about it. It might just become a situation where he feels forced to do it, enjoys it less because of it and happy it's over and because of that experience won't go back.

  4. One great thing about ff14 is you're not forced to do anything other than the main story quest but the writing is so good and the characters are given much depth and have interesting things to say. You don't necessarily feel like you're forced to play the story. There are lots of people who don't even finish the story and just hangout and mess with player housing and create in game events or even put on concerts for other players

  5. I dunno if we can even have any kind of Con because of leadership and if you ask me I dont think all the people died was "just because commie virus," yes the virus technically is real but a lot us have pre existing conditions genetically like Cancer and stuff and the virus isn't that deadly 99% have recovered from it !!!! BUT MEDIA AND Countries acting like CHINA got their AUTHORITARIAN OPPORTUNITY UP THIER ASS! Which is why the world is clown world Australia is gonna be China's new communist step brother. Ban me and delete this if you want but Im seriously not happy we just want our FREEDOM and Politics has at this point got in our Escapism !

  6. M8 i'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but…. keep playing WOW milk it then get another hair transplant cos the one you got is shite (better off shaving your head) ask that guy from TGFbro where he went cos that's a transplant! (i'm a skinny bald fuck so please don't take this the wrong way) EDIT: this seems toxic but i want you and your family to milk the shit outta WOW cos you deserve it! luv from a stoopid tyke!

  7. How do you make people do something? Make them want to do it, not ask them to do it. He'll play 14 when he wants to and might have a better experience then "well chat wouldn't shut up about me trying it so I am"

  8. I'm fine with FFXIV as a future game to play assuming a goal is met, but I'm not so sure Mike should play it during this marathon if he's truly not ready yet to jump into another MMO.

  9. I love this and the world doesn't deserve such wholesome kindness <3

    This is coming from someone that plays the living hell out of FFXIV, loves it immensely, and has well over 7k hours played I dunno if its a good idea for him to be forced into playing it since I feel like if Mike is forced it might damage his experience and make him not like it after his negative fallout with a certain other MMO.

  10. For those folks concerned about Mike's experience of FFXIV being corrupted by him being forced to. Don't worry – the reason he didn't play it before is cause he was saving it specifically for this event.

  11. I love the idea Mike. I guess I'll have to figure out how twitch works. You've helped me in WoW for a few years the least I can do is donate to a wonderful cause. Also this is the "real" reason Mike won't play FF :).

  12. Let me preface this by saying that I love FFXIV to bits, butI have my doubts as to him actually being able to enjoy it.

    The beginning is the weakest part and really only for people that are very story focused, even though the payoff later is even better because of that (again if you truly like story). While he says that he enjoys story and all that, I've seen his streams and he clearly gets into mechanics way more, of which the game has arguably alot less to offer. I think stuff like PoE is probably a way better fit for him, as he simply does not play an MMO to immerse himself in a world. There is a vast difference in enjoying a coherent story when it's just there and being in it for the story and world building first and foremost.

    Even if alot of people have come to realize that FFXIV has something to offer that they missed in WoW, I doubt Mike will become one of those people. While I won't hold my breath, I'm certainly curious how it will turn out though. 🙂


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