Do You Know The Fastest Way To Level In FFXIV!?

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Attention, adventurers! With the highly anticipated release of Final Fantasy XIV’s Dawntrail expansion just around the corner, excitement is at an all-time high for the debut of the dynamic new Viper job. In this video, we’re turning to you, the community, for your invaluable insights and advice on how to power-level the Viper job to max level on launch day.

Join the discussion in the comments section as fellow players share their tried-and-tested strategies, clever tricks, and insider tips for blazing through the leveling process.

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8 thoughts on “Do You Know The Fastest Way To Level In FFXIV!?”

  1. to get from 80-90

    get the lvl 80 tomestone set for ninja, viper will use the same gear, you can buy the weapon day one of the expac. this set will cover you until lvl 83-85. after 85, just use dungeon/vender/MB gear

    do elephant beast tribe quests (EW), and pixie tribe quests (ShB), this should net you 50-80% of a level. its free and takes 5 min to do.

    do leveling, MSQ, alliance raid, and frontline roulettes. the XP is good on low level ones, but if you get high level ones the XP gets pretty crazy. you can get 2-3 levels from this alone.

    the hunt boards are an XP grind that alot of people overlook, doing EW and ShB ones will likely take about 30min to do combined, but all you have to do is kill overworld mobs, you get really good XP, Nuts, and gil rewards for it, do these during wait times. you can even do SB and HW hunts, but the XP isn't all that great, you mostly just do it for the seals.

    doing your highest level dungeon available plus FATEs is higher XP rewards compared to Bozja, but Bozja doesn't require gear or other people, so its faster.

    the last one will be the Eureka Orthos, the deep dungeon added in EW. but we dont know how good it will be until the expac drops. this is likely going to replace Bozja for speed leveling as deep dungeons usually are made for it.

    hope this helps

  2. Daily roulettes can net you 2.maybe 3 if you're lucky levels a day, and wonderous tails can net you half an exp bar for just doing activities in them, you can even unsync them at your max level ninja and turn the book in on another job.

  3. Do all your roulettes, do your wondrous tales, do your dailies in endwalker. Then if all else fails, do the highest level dungeon that you can. If you're 85, Vanaspati. 87, Ktisis Hyperboreia. 89, The Aitiascope. If you do all this, then you should be able to get to 90 rather quickly. It'll just take a fair bit of grinding. Maybe a day or two, and it's all done with roulettes or solo. People will still be doing the content for the dungeons in Endwalker as there's still people questing to get through Endwalker.

  4. @saladbowl1259 had a good list.

    EVERY DAY do leveling, alliance, main scenario, and frontlines roulettes (queue for frontlines as the job you want to level, then when you are inside change to the job you actually like to play).

    Some people also do trial roulettes everyday for exp, but imo they aren't quite as good.

    Everyday do Arkasodara daily quests. The higher your rank with them, the more exp they give, so ideally you want to use prep time to max it out BEFORE dawntrail.

    In the week or 2 before dawntrail launches, grab every endwalker sidequest you can (the yellow ! quests), finish them, but DON'T click the green symbol to turn them in. Leave the finished quests in your quest journal. When dawntrail launches, you can use your new job of viper to turn them in for exp even though you actually did the quest using some other job.

    You can pick up wondrous tales and finish them one week, then turn them in for exp the following week. Therefore, do the same thing with wondrous tales as I suggested for side quests. Do them a week early on other jobs, then when dawntrail comes out turn them in using your viper job. After turning in LAST WEEK's journal with viper, you can IMMEDIATELY pick up that week's journal and do it too for more exp.

    Finally, there's one that takes a LOT of prep time if you haven't started yet. Rank up your grand company so you can start doing squadrons, then get a good squadron leveled up to 60 so you can start getting exp buff items from them. You can potentially get 10 exp buffing items from your squadron per week that last 2 hours each. For example, if you are going to be focusing on viper, you will want to stock up on "Squadron Battle Manual" from squadrons. That will buff your battle exp 15%, but it does NOT stack with fc exp buffs.

    Don't forget food gives exp buffs too, so any time you are trying to level, eat some kind of food. Even the cheapest vendor sold food will give you good exp buffs.

  5. Unlock Wondrous Tales (WT). You can't really "save" these up though, but if the turn-in date on your WT is after the release of DT you can complete the week before and wait until after DT releases to turn in. This will get you half a level. You should also be able to immediately request another WT card and then fill that out getting you another 1/2 level. You also get something called "2nd chance points" for WT so if you have not unlocked this yet I would now. Some content on the WT card will be soloable and there is typically one PVP event and one treasure map or deep dungeon included – so 2 easy points out of the 9 you need to complete. There are also typically some soloable content on the cards like low level duties or extremes. They typically have higher level duties as well which are good for leveling so you can do a higher level roulette or just use a trust if you think the queue is too long.


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