Savix Reacts To "How I became the best FFXIV player…" By Pint

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written by mald 🙂



18 thoughts on “Savix Reacts To "How I became the best FFXIV player…" By Pint”

  1. Ffxiv isn't meant to be like wow where you stay and play forever, yoshi p specifically states that it's OK if players don't play the whole time and is fine that people takes breaks and play other games. Nice to know you cleared dsr savix!

  2. I feel like FFXIV end game isn't so much a line but branches off in all kinds of direction. There is just so much to do and work towards at endgame. Though I do agree that what is "streamable" will dip. Besides for raiders FF streams will often be more of a chatfest then other streams are. Which are already chatty to begin with. Like you can get really into crafting, Island Sanctuary, Hunts or mount famrs but it hits that level of repetition that is different from when streaming the MSQ. So most streams tend to fall into chat mode while doing random stuff.

    But for not streamers that is a good thing. That kind of lowkey but entertaining stuff. And if that stuff isn't for you, like YoshiP always says, go play other stuff and comeback later.

  3. Very reasonable stance on WoW vs FFXIV. Used to be when I finished all the content I wanted in FFXIV, I'd take a break and do WoW. When I was tired of WoW, back to FFXIV it was. Overall, I like that you can finish MSQ and raiding in FFXIV, and then do some other stuff until there's a new patch/xpac.

    When you do come back, I'll be sure to follow the streams!

  4. Frankly I'm ecstatic that the endgame for FFXIV is nothing like the time vacuum that exists in WoW, more so since the game updates relatively more frequently rather than linger in a year-long limbo of the exact same content and when that content's done and dusted I can play other games.

    The idea of a monogame is cringe.


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