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Savix Reacts to Is FFXIV Pvp that bad

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  1. Gear and stats for your character makes no difference in PvP as everything is normalized where all tanks will have the same stats, healers have the same stats melee DPS have the same stats, ect ect. So it's always a level playing field. You do get a small buff though the more players you kill without being killed, which stacks up to 5 in Front Lines. The buff also places a marker next to your name which allows enemy players to know who to prioritize first.

  2. what savix said 6:28 onwards its true for any game that has pvp on it, not only just wow or mmorpgs. People that like pvp dont need any rewards to do it; if the game has pvp they would do it just for fun. in fact rewards can be more damaging for the pvp community, because although they can encourage non-pvpers to try it, they incite a boosting market that its really bad for the pvp community.
    edit: i think its kinda dismissive to say things like "pvp in ff is bad because people dont play it". That can be true for a percentage of players, sure, but i know a lot of ff players that tried hard on it just to realize it sucks. In my experience? Its worse than wow pvp. If you have 2m players and no one is playing it, it just shows how bad it is.

  3. I feel like your opinion has a bunch of holes in it. You talk about people wanting to chase trasnmog, titles, etc but theres 1000 bad games you can do that in. Its nowhere near enough if the PVP experience itself isnt fun. At the end of the day its the flow of the game and pvp in WoW that no other MMO has even COME CLOSE to giving the same satisfaction

  4. I came to FFXIV without any knowledge of the PVP. I knew it had PVP and that was about it.. Holy shit was I surprised when finally getting into the PVP scene in FFXIV. They actually remove a lot of skills, so when you normally have 20-30 buttons on your action bar, when entering PVP only a handful of those skills are usable in PVP.

    FFXIV players probably don't want PVP, they want their game to be in its safe little bubble while doing their end-game content (RPing in town) for years on end.

    The developers love their community which I really can appreciate. WoW treats their player base like shit.

    For me, especially someone who enjoys PVP, I burned out after leveling my 3rd job to 80. They say story is the most appealing thing in FFXIV but I couldn't stand the amount of cutscenes there were. I watched cutscenes for a few hours and just got annoyed with just how many god damn cutscenes this game has I ended up skipping all throughout the rest of the MSQ.

    End game was a huge let down. World design was stale. Colours were bland. No uniqueness to builds (every class uses the exact same class build).

    It's an MMO where the developers hold your hand while you play and that will cater to most of the gamers. There is some great content in the game, there are some beautiful areas to roam through but honestly, it just wasn't good enough for my personal taste.

    I gave it a shot, but I'd rate it about 4/10.

  5. PvP isnt the only victim of the vicious cycle of parroted nonsense. people do that for other things. It annoys me when other color a new players expectations of something. even if something isnt bad, if you are told enough times that its bad, then even if you try it, you are coming in from a point of expecting it to be bad, you will just accept it as being bad. its a sad self fulfilling prophecy. the early story itself is a victim of parroted nonsense. really wish people would just let new players experience content with a blank slate, and let them make up their own minds.

  6. Im super excited to see your pvp grind. Even if it doesnt have the best pvp fuck it, its a video game its about fun while grinding to the best rank you can

  7. Savix, I for one who cant catch u streaming but still love your content. I find it really refreshing that such an avid wow player actually talks good about FFXIV. I have played both for so long, but lately i think WOW is really losing it. And me just like you, love pvp and want to do that most. I still love FFXIV even tho i have to focus on PVE. I just hope PVP gets better in FFXIV. But i always want PVP.

  8. I quit Aion to join FF14. What's funny about that is Aion is heavily into PvP. What made me quit was the game going to F2P model which made the game pay to win. And the sudden drop of PvP interest. People would sit there not attack. Luckily for me, FF14 was on beta test at that time so I started playing it back in 2013. I guess I consider myself the 1st wave of refugee to the game because there were quite of few ex-Aion players when I started.


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