Savix FFXIV Best Story Yet – A Realm Reborn ENDING

#savix #FFXIV #finalfantasyXiv
Savix Reacting to A Realm Reborn ENDING

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26 thoughts on “Savix FFXIV Best Story Yet – A Realm Reborn ENDING”

  1. Reason why some elements were betraying you – You weren't paying them. The Syndicate had it's money in the Crystal Braves from it's creation, establishing agents to recruit from it for themselves while also paying a good chunk of their pay checks. The Scions aren't exactly flush with cash or have a people to tax for income. Ilberd for example is more concerned with freeing Ala Mhigo than fighting the Ascians. Yuyuhase goes where the money is. The Domans are loyal to the Scions because they sheltered them but the other rank and file follow their paycheck.

  2. Fun facts, the Heavensward trailer song contains hint of story in expansion devided in 3 parts of factions perspective.
    here's the lyrics:

    (female singer/Heretic)
    Beneath the gazing stars
    Vales deep and forests dark
    Betrayed by loyal hands, Her wrath stirred
    Bound fast unto our fate
    One path, one burden great
    Yet ever do our aching souls point Heavensward
    Ever rings out our song
    Yes, ever do our aching souls march Heavensward
    As they've done for so long

    (Male singer/Ishgardian Knight)
    To their trespass
    We are Witness
    Here to pass this
    Final sentence
    No forgiveness
    No deliverance
    Only Justice
    Only Vengeance

    Wills unbending
    Faith unending
    Stone defending
    Now our steel shall sing

    Guide us, O mighty Fury
    Guide us to victory!


    Dys an sohm in (Our slumber disturbed)
    Rohs an kyn ala na (All my brothers wake)
    Mah morn narr (The saviors must perish)
    Sahl djahs afah an (Vengeance will be ours)

  3. Welcome to Heavensward. One of my favorite expansions. Massive jump in quality I felt from ARR as they had actual time and money to work on it, rather than a quarter of the budget and half the time ARR did for a new mmo. Still suffered a bit graphically from the PS3, but that will go away once you hit Stormblood. Also, the raids sort of broke people. Lots of "Do the mechanic or wipe" combined with heavy damage. I recall it being a month into the first raid tier and guilds still unable to beat the miniboss prior to the first boss of the first raid. Faust the static breaker was a real deal. Shouldn't be an issue anymore as pretty much gearing and class design means that anyone can dps with any gear really. It wasn't the case back in 3.1. Anyways, I hope you have fun!

  4. Streamers always questions why no one is helping does not understand get the political repercussions if the characters do. I've never seen one streamer think about that part.
    Well from a hype standpoint I understand. Because it's much better to see fight, fight, fight.
    But from a story standpoint it makes no sense.


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