Savage FINALLY Unlocked! – FFXIV Patch 6.38 Overview


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42 thoughts on “Savage FINALLY Unlocked! – FFXIV Patch 6.38 Overview”

  1. Def think Savage should be unlocked by 6.3 at the latest, with the 24man. Not a month before the even patch savage 😭.

    And I dont even do savage but I do normals and the weapon drops/weapon upgrades having that restriction as well, just seems crazy. 16 weeks or something? Sheesh

  2. I've never understood why Savage should be locked after you've beat it once. Just let us do them in whatever order we want to, with a weekly lockout, just like Normal drops are when they start out. And when the 24man drops in the following patch you can easily remove the weekly limitations as well to let people who started later catch up.

  3. The southern cross change is a flat buff, not a trade-off. The stance bonus remains 12,000 (6,000 + 6,000 before and 8,000 + 4,000 now), and the part without the bonus goes up 2,000.

  4. I was sick and tired of people failing 'Devour' all the time. and so I quit p5s after two days. Never did it again. Glad to see p9s-p12s coming closer and forget about the current savage raids ^^.

  5. These restriction on savage is counterintuitive to our job system. How are we suppose to take advantage of swappable jobs when content to gear it is locked behind a strict timer? They should really think about that and let us farm for BIS without having the restrictions.

  6. So for someone who's never done Savage before and who only wanted to do P8S for the weapon, is it important to grab BiS for the fight or should I just prioritize item level? I'm at 629 with my relic, fully augmented tome gear, and a crafted ring.

  7. They're so into stretching content as thinly as possible this patch cycle. Can't be unlocking stuff too soon or there might actually be stuff to do in the game.

  8. I quit the game because of weekly lockouts and the fact that the community is full of softies. Dunno why they hold on the weekly lockout this long it doesn’t make any sense

  9. playing NIN in PvP, having that target on your back the entire match because people just want to nuke you down ASAP. XD having the benny hill music playing in my head as people abandon their team to chase me across the map.

  10. The SCH PvP change isn't enough for me to pick it back up after switching to Sage. Their shields and heals across the kit both need significant buffs if the job is to be considered the 'true' shield healer. Mummification also does nowhere near enough to make melee jobs to think twice about diving a SCH. SGE gets 2 casts of Phlegma that does more than triple the damage of Mummification, not to mention Penuma granting Haimatinon. Give Mumm a pot buff and some status effect, stun, heavy, root, I don't care.

  11. This savage tier came out at the same time as island sanctuary. That is so long ago. I agree with all the other comments, unlock it in 6.3 or 6.31 at the latest. Plenty of people will still do the alliance raid.


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