Rich Campbell Reacts to FFXIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.55 – THE END!

Here it is, Rich finally finishes the ENTIRETY of Shadowbringers! For more, please check out Rich’s twitch stream at: We’ve …


21 thoughts on “Rich Campbell Reacts to FFXIV: Shadowbringers Patch 5.55 – THE END!”

  1. huge thanks to you for putting all these Rich videos together!

    it's been a joy watching these. i'd been interested in seeing the reactions from those ex WOW streamers, such as asmondgold, rich, and Pyromancer. while asmondgold has his youtube channel for uploading an edited version of his journey on to, streamers such as rich and pyromancer dont do that (sure pyromancer has a couple vids on his YT channel, but those are very few, very short, and very edited down vids of very particular parts).

    having someone like you come around and put up an edited, but still extremely substantial, version of Rich's journey has been fantastic! and you're good at it, too! obviously i dont expect you to do this for every streamer, or going back and doing edits for the fascinating side content such as the raids or hildebrand, as i have no clue how Rich went about these, but you are good at what you do, and i thank you for it.

    i, and many others, have gotten a lot of entertainment out of these, and that's all we ever could have asked for~

  2. Did this guy spend even 5 full seconds watching and listening to the cutscenes at any given time or nah? Just constant shouting over the voiced dialogue and eyes fixated on chat.

  3. Phew. Finally got to finish watching this. Amazing work this entire time Eji! I didnt expect to have both the trailer and special event at the end there! Rich is such a character, lol. Not sure if it was said or announced, but will there be Sorrow of Werlyt stuff as well?

  4. I've been watching these vids (cause i haven't been able to see his streams) since he started, and it's nice to see him finally reach the end, and see that gloriously satisfying "To be continued" icon.

  5. Yeah I commented about this over on RichClips but it feels like chat is the most important thing to Rich now. His reactions have taken a back seat to chats reactions. He glanced over only a handful of times during the benchmark trailer and was talking about what he was doing later that night, not at all in the moment. It's really a damn shame.

  6. The best part about 5.55's ending, was that Lyse wasn't there, not only was she not present, but she also didn't get voiced lines and was reduced to "sit there and be dumb like you are." The character development I'm looking for is when Rich turns into an actual human being and stops being an asshole. Rich "One Guy" Campbell.

  7. Am I the only one who thinks rich has heavily derailed since 5.0? He always stalled a lot but my fucking god by far most of the time he is looking at chat, missing cutscenes, whole dialogue bc he is crackijg the same jokes over and over and then not even reading the dialogue he missed. Its like he doesnt give a fuck anymore. I really enjoyed watching his entire play through but my god these last couple patches have been more frustrating than entertaining.
    Imagine a dialogue with 50 sentences. After the first one he keeps joking and talking about the first sentence, missing most of the other 49

  8. Thanks so much for all the time you've spent making these! I was sad when Duty Complete popped up at the end. These videos are so great to play in the background.

  9. One thing I think is really good is that the tribespeople now have much less "monstrous" voices than they used. They're still different, but they're much more similar than in previous expansions.


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