Rich Campbell Reacts to FFXIV: Shadowbringers Part 3

Here’s a few highlights of Rich Campbell’s continuation into Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. For more, please check out his twitch stream at:

We finally meet up with Thancred and Minfilia, and have our first encounter with Ran’jit…
Also, the Exarch is a chad.

#richcampbell #ffxiv


38 thoughts on “Rich Campbell Reacts to FFXIV: Shadowbringers Part 3”

  1. 33:45 He is so happy about these "Russian" accents… poor Rich …
    These accents are all Northern Scandinavian.
    All voiced Ronso have Nordic names (Bragi is a Nordic god, Runar literally means "rune" and Magnus should be well known as a Nordic name) and they have a Nordic accent. Like really far Northern Sweden, Norway and Finland.
    Lyna's voice actress is Icelandic. That's also no Russian.
    Not every rolled R is automatically Russian.

  2. He skipped the part where he couldn't even write "Feo Ul" because he kept thinking it was "Feo U-i"
    Also he doesn't know you can just press up arrow to retype what you just typed.
    silly boy.

  3. So fun fact. In the JP voice acting more or less everyone speaks in unaccented Tokyo Japanese. That was fine for the JP side because Japanese relies a lot more on context and what's not being said but for English it wouldn't make sense for everyone to sound the same so they gave most races a different national accent. The Vierra are Icelandic as they have been since FFXII, Hrothgar are from the Balkans (most Hungarian iirc) the Au'ra are supposed to be Mongolian/Steppes Russian or East Asian in general depending on clan, Highlanders and Roegadyn are from Northern England etc.

  4. Submissive and breedable haha. Its the best and weirdest compliment ever and it works so well when Rich mentions how Ardbert is actually pretty damn attractive even to a straight guy. This game has been slowly making Rich realise his bisexuality haha

  5. 18:20 Endwalker is the end of this story. Yoshi-P has said as much But the game isn't coming to an end. 7.0 is going to be an all new story. SE kept the same writing team for EW that they had for SHB. I don't think any of us are going to be ready for Endwalker, Yoshi-P's Rising speech this year foreshadows as much. I'm excited and November can't get here soon enough.

  6. Chill out man. It's good but it's not that good. I personally think heavensward is better. It's not the second coming of christ or anything. You need to read a few books. Get a perspective on story telling.

  7. i've been watching your comps. I know you aren't an official editor nor do you get any credit for this so i just want to show appreciation for all the dedication you put to this and how soon you put it out although you're not entitled to do it asap. As always, I will look forward to future compilations if you choose to do so, but for what you have done so far (which is a lot) thanks!


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