Healer Damage CONTROVERSY! MIASMA 2! [FFXIV Media Tour]

Healers going into Dawntrail defintely don’t have their damage kits balanced at the same level of fun. Sage undeniably has a MUCH better damage kit than Scholar for example and this is something that definitely is a pain point for me as a Scholar main. Why does Sage get Miasma 2 and Scholar doesn’t? Why not add it to Scholar before Dawntrail?

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0:00 Healer Damage Kits in Dawntrail
0:34 FFXIV Media Tour Coverage
0:53 Healer damage kits in Dawntrail
0:59 Scholar has 1 new button every two minutes
1:23 Astrologian dawntrail rework damage kit
1:43 White Mage dawntrail damage kit
2:03 Sage won in Dawntrail
3:51 Energy Drain in Dawntrail
5:40 The developers are listening about healer damage kits
7:57 Miasma 2 and Scholar

Now let’s talk about the healer damage kits going into Dawntrail
the healer DPS kits definitely aren’t balanced right now


31 thoughts on “Healer Damage CONTROVERSY! MIASMA 2! [FFXIV Media Tour]”

  1. Eh Sage sucks, in all seriousness tho its called actually trying to make them feel and be different. Scholar got stuff that Sage didn't and I hope they keep doing this. I am so sick of the healers all getting similar abilities just with different animations.

  2. As someone who only plays easier content I will be healing as a SGE in DT I think. I have prefered SCH until now (maybe its the hat, SGE artifact gear looks awful on femroes too) but looking at these changes, SGE just seems like a clear winner for fun in dungeons and normal raids.

  3. They seriously just need to redesign healers so that they spend their GCDs doing a satisfying (not complex) DPS rotation, and only heal/mitigate in big bursts in response to appropriate raid mechanics with their oGCDs.

    This would mimic how tanks are mostly just DPS with oGCDs that provide extra mitigation/sustain (plus some level of built-in mitigation/sustain to their filler buttons).

    Healers would be MUCH more satisfying to players who currently DON'T heal if they looked at healers and it seemed like they were looking at a DPS that has the secondary job of keeping the party alive, instead of healers that do damage when they have nothing better to do.

  4. Does Baneful Impaction remove "Impact Imminent" or can Baneful Impaction be used every GCD while Chain is up? (Same question for AST / Oracle/Divining)

    EDIT – I see in a different vid that yes, it is just one cast. That's a missed opportunity. Why not make it available for 20s? (Then, and hold your butts, some fights could be timed so that when the 2min burst window comes up, there's also a buttload of healing that's required, which would force you to make the tradeoff between using this damage oGCD or some healing oGCD during that time…whaaaaaa? actual decisions and trade-offs? no way….) <smh>

    Also, another (old) gripe for oGCD vs GCD not being clear in tooltips and tooltips being incomplete in terms of what happens (e.g. using Baneful Impaction removes Impact Imminent).

  5. Tbh, the longer the game goes on, the more I feel as a SCH main, I feel like they added sage just to spite us.

    It's like out of all the healer archetypes you could have taken, you chose a book smart attacker that is a shield user. Like, for real, do you know what the identity of sch was, or did you guys on the development team just not care at all. They even went out of their way to kill off our fairy choices so honestly what is my identity as a sch I truly want an answer to this.

    Because I feel sage kinda outright steals the schs entire thing. And does it better. From a gameplay perspective, from a thematic standpoint I honestly see no reason to be proud to be a sch anymore and that sucks. 😢

  6. Aren’t these potency stats from two months back? Not saying you’re wrong, just curious because I’d thought the media your build potencies were labeled as very much ‘not finalized’

    But dear god Aetherflow being 100 potency at this point would be silly.

  7. I just don't think it's a big deal overall…like, Sage has an extra button. So what? Having an extra button isn't more fun; it's how the button interacts with the kit that's interesting, and Psyche doesn't interact with anything – it's just another thing you have to weave in every 60 seconds. I love FF14, but at the end of the day, healer DPS rotations aren't exactly deep, and adding in more buttons like how things used to be doesn't add more depth, it just adds more complexity.

  8. Sage may get these high graphic options to live out every healer's request to have more dps buttons, but do they have a decade-old single target splash animation that they get to weave in t h r i c e a minute?? I think not!!!

    I'm happy to get one extra button to click on scholar and I'll cope on ast with the fun buttons to click, but I'm a little sad scholar is still a weirdly mishmashed arcanist job's leftovers. Still gonna be one of my mains, and I'm not particularly upset about a lack of extra dot management. Sometimes I just think about how going through msq is playing with NPC's who top off your health every 2 hp and how my choice is to play a job I like less in the moment or just mash one button.

  9. -I feel that. I am main ast , but I only play whm on current patch ,lol. why do more when you can do less and get the same result.
    -SGE currently has lowest dps(beside AST), so it's rightfully so to get a double buff on dps.
    -Still they haven't nerf SGE+SCH it's gonna be broke next expansion as well.

  10. Something I’ve been saying multiple times:

    I want a mini-Chain Stratagem on a short cooldown, call it Identify Opening or something. Have it boost Direct Hit for a low amount on a low cooldown.

    SGE can have big blasts dots. AST can have their buffs (lol, just kidding, not even SE wants that). WHM can keep crying to feed their blood Lily.

    Let my SCH be a debuff strategist.

  11. Honestly? I'm a healer because I like supporting my allies and DON'T like DPS rotations. The only DPSers I play are SMN (which has a set but easy rotation) and RDM (which does not have a set rotation), and both of which have support (Raise and some healing). I've played WHM and SCH since ARR when I started the game, and never cared much for DoTs. That said, I understand people that liked those things. But I'm not one of them. I like the WHM change. I don't know why the AOE ability is not "Holy IV", but instant cast movement tool for burst but that isn't too onerous I like. I'm okay with that. SCH being my second healer, I still hate Dissipation and I will ALWAYS hate Dissipation from that first time I ever used it AND HAD TO RESUMMON EOS because it didn't do that when it was first added. I will always hate it (and mostly hate Energy Drain – I love Sacred Soil and Excog and ED is a pox because it prevents me from feeling as free to use them and it does crap for damage to not even be worth all the ink spilled over it; I've almost taken ED off my bars many times and I refuse to use Dissipation on principle until they make it NOT dismiss Eos – Eos is my friend and partner, stop kidnapping her! Is that really so hard to understand? T_T)

    AST I don't care about and don't play and probably won't, I liked SGE as kind of "SCH but less clunky", but now that it's a DPS-lite…kinda not interested so I guess I'm locked in on WHM/SCH going forward…which I'm fine with. : ) SGE can be for the people that like that stuff, I'm not one of those people, so I'll stick with WHM/SCH and be happy over here in my comfy spot. 😀

    I'm glad SGE does what it does for the people that like that. I'm also glad that other healing Jobs are not being (to me) made worse/nerfed by being forced to have other damage buttons to muck with.

    Everyone wins! o/

  12. I feel like they need to work out some things in DT, at the pace things are going, Healers are literally going to become obsolete because of Warrior, I mean, Warrior and Paladin have already kinda made Healers obsolete in EW in high end content (I'm sure everyone remembers the TOP clear on patch without healers)

  13. with the glare 4s, whm no longer really has to spend lilies for mobility during burst window, which would be really nice to have for things like superchains etc. so it of course will feel nice but also you no longer have to think about the tradeoff between saving a lily for mobility but slight dps loss in burst

  14. Glare IV being instacast and on the GCD available during 2 mins is huge. Keeping uptime during bursts (pinax, superchain…) is currently a pain point for whm. It's definitely not going to feel the same.

  15. I've been making this case since Endwalker but the thing is. Scholar had Energy drain removed in SB but the community wanted it back so getting it removed is gonna be tough

  16. I can't wait to see how much controversy gets stirred up as more people see the video where they ran the media tour dungeon without a healer. Healer toolkits getting sidelined again

  17. At first I was disappointed that Dissipation didn't get any changes, but then I paused and asked myself why I was disappointed. It's not as though a skill that dismisses the fairy for a healing boast and Aetherflow is a bad thing. But because of Energy Drain, Dissipation becomes a healing cooldown that's masquerading as a damage cooldown. That's the dissonance that makes the skill so weird.

    Sidenote, I've never liked that Energy Drain costs Aetherflow. I'd rather it work like Summoner's Energy Drain, granting a stack of Aetherflow and changing Ruin 2 to a Scholar specific version of Ruin. If we have stacks of Energy Drain, you could choose where to use them. You could then rework Dissipation to grant stacks of Energy Drain instead of Aetherflow. I know Scholars want a DOT focused DPS kit, but there are other options too.


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