Continuing onto the Seventh Astral Era in my Final Fantasy 14 playthrough with A Realm Reborn Patch 2.4! As the Crystal Braves and Scions dig deeper into heretics and traitors, we must face Shiva herself, whilst in Ul’Dah desperate measures must be taken.. Hope you enjoy!
Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:
A Realm Reborn Trailer Reaction:
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Tataru 0:00 – 0:35
Moenbryda 0:35 – 9:27
Akh Afah Ampitheatre (Hard) 9:27 – 19:37
Meeting with Aymeric 19:37 – 29:10
Scions debriefing 29:10 – 32:50
Roaille escapes 32:50 – 39:17
Teledji’s plan 39:17 – 40:22
Scions meeting 40:22 – 46:05
Raubahn 46:05 – 52:10
Nanamo’s decision 52:10 – 58:15
Outro 58:15 – 58:31
#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv
Those tattoos are the mark of an Archon. Archons are people that graduated with distinction in Old Sharlayan. Yda's will be explained much later on.
iirc, the scions of the seventh dawn were originally the circle of knowing, which is a band of sharlayan scholars led by louisoix (alphinaud's grandpa) that dedicated themselves to saving eorzea. it was made in response to sharlayan's strict code to not intervene with the world's affairs and to only observe it. the members of the circle of knowing are all archons, which is basically someone with a phd in sharlayan terms. and theyre marked with those tattoos you saw
The neck tattoos are the mark of "Archons," Sharlayans who stayed behind in Eorzea after the rest returned to the Sharlayan homeland. Back in 1.0 the main Scion group were under the Circle of Knowing (the Scions' predecessor group) led by Louisoix and Minfilia. The bulk of the Scions are Sharlayans.
Fun fact, the song during Shiva phase 2 is sung by a square enix employee that was good in karaoke because they couldn't afford a vocalist.
about Tataru, she takes care of financial stuff as well as admin stuff so the budget never go red
11:00 — I suppose the reason is, you have to save your strength for battle 😀
2.4 … Not too long anymore… Gotta get some popcorn ^.^
Shiva snapped her fingers, and this was the moment he finally realized, he was hooked on the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
You might find Thancred drunk in the Rising Stones once…
Trials that have lyrics are nearly always from the perspective of the boss themselves. Shiva is the first one to have…nuance…to her song. It's worth checking out if you're curious about the character and their mindset.
This patch also marks the beginning of the transition from ARR to HW storylines. Around this point, the developers realized that had succeeded in "saving" the game and you will see a little more polish going forward due to higher budgets and more creative freedom.
At this rate, you're probably 2-3 more videos out from the finish and…let's just say people really look forward to ARR conclusion and HW trailer reactions.
There's also a general saying in the community that "you either get filtered out during ARR or play long enough to become a walking advertisement for the game". Obviously not 100% true but I can attest to being one such person who enjoyed ARR (even the old, pre-streamlined version) but didn't really "fall in love" with the game's story and universe until Heavensward.
Looking forward to the rest of your videos.
Check the song, it's called Oblivion.
Lyrics remind me of Frozen. Especially with chorus (I mean – "These voices are telling me let it go (Let it all go!) I try and try but I can't say no (Got to say no!)" part is pretty tellin).
Then Ysale herself.
To be fair, Shiva fight is a lot of fun even if a little too easy today – most players won't hear even first verse due to how quickly it's done.
Moenbryda is quite a character. Let's just say, she is very important in the main story
Moenbryda is best girl, fell in love with her at first sight. About time the fem roes get some attention