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#FFXIV #FinalFantasy14 #Reaction
Enjoy the ride that is the song called The Edge.
How am I supposed to wait 10 hours for this? You're killing me xD
Thanks for those that watched my first ever Youtube Premiere! The chat got caught off at the end, but I wanted to just show my appreciation for everyone that was there.
Should I do more premieres?
The fact Soken could make something like this during such a terrible time is truly inspiring <3
Probably I am not the first to point this out, but Soken-san wrote this song while he was battling cancer, isolated in hospital due to the Corona pandemic. And he asked Yoshida-san, the producer, to not tell about his fight to any of the development team. Soken-san didn't want to be treated differently because of his personal situation. I find it impressive
Been waiting for this for a few hours !
This song in particular hit the fanbase much differently after we found out this was the major song that Soken and Company worked on while he was hospitalized for his cancer. They actually gave him a mini studio setup that he could use in his hospital room. And listening to the lyrics, while yes, they are fitting to the boss you fight, they're also echoing the feelings of a man who was potentially facing his own mortality.
check out Neath Dark Waters to hear where the melody of To The Edge came from.
So To the Edge is the culmination of a trio of tracks, starting with the gorgeous Neath Dark Waters that plays in The Tempest, to the somber Mortal Instants in the dungeon Amaurot. They all tell the tale of the last survivors of a long-dead civilization raging against the slow erasure of even the traces that they ever existed at all.
Talking about how Soken iterates on himself, if you ever have time, listen to Footsteps in the Snow/Oblivion, then listen to Return to Oblivion. There are so many call backs to both of those songs in Return to Oblivion, and all three songs are very different genres. It's so incredibly good.
Soken has a way about bringing past melodies/motifs into relevence from past tracks that makes it so gawd damn sweet, drawing even from other final fantasy games. Oh right the lyrics for this hit so much harder with context.
I would recommend checking out the Welcome Back Soken Medley by Huskey the Geek. It was a community made song to welcome back Soken after this. This song also goes through a lot of different genres and it really well composed.
Should give "Smell of the Game" from Guilty Gear – Strive- a listen.
Want to give you something other than FFXIV music. It's a deep rabbit hole of outstanding music. Which reminds me…
Have you tried the expanded free trial of the critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV?
You can play through the entirety of A Real Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 FREE with no restrictions on playtime 😮
(Evangelizing meme aside; It really is an outstanding game, you should try it! Free trial is really that super generous).
I think one of the main reasons To the Edge goes so well with everything like you said is beacuse it's not just one characters theme but sort of a conversation between 4 broken men desperately trying to find their purpose in life, I know these names will mean nothing to you unless you play the game but it's the theme of Azem, Elidibus, Emet Selch and the player character all of them have thier own aspects in the lyrics!
Quite a portion of the enjoyment of the songs that ppl feel is their connection to the story of ff14. They're often tied to emotional highs and lows, climaxes in combat and character arcs. Because of the story, you also encounter the songs in a certain order. Callbacks to previous ones, leitmotifs used throughout expansions, it keeps going.
These songs make people relive their favourite or even dreaded moments in the game, which is powerful.
Symbolically, the ticking in the song is akin to something of a countdown. Won’t say any more than that. But for the song, it adds to the beat and tempo. It’s rather nice.
The Sun is evil. I'll pray for its sweet death.
If you like Soken’s work, you should listen to LA HEE. It’s probably his finest work to date
I don’t know you will be able to appreciate it but the Endwalker theme is an amazing piece which is the accumulation of the full game from it relaunch in 2.0 until 6.0 endwalker. It pulls motifs from every expansion theme, an accumulation of our journey.
Not sure if it's a popular request but please check out the Innocence theme!
FFXIV – Tsukuyomi’s theme. I personally love that one.
Your content is always so good I am so glad I subscribed right away I hope the best for you and hope all the good luck
I would suggest Bury the Light – Vergil from DMC5 and EDEN Shiva ost FFXIV
hey my recomendation would be to react to the Ultima Weapon Ultimate From FFXIV its a remix of all the primal songs fused in one big package, also one of the top 3 hardest fights in ffxiv!
So this song is actually made based off two songs composed prior to when this one came out, with a few twists. You can obviously hear the "Shadowbringers" theme you reacted to recently in this track here and there, but the other track is "Neath Dark Waters"/Amaurot Overworld Theme which is where the more somber and slower aspects of this track come from. Neath Dark Waters is a very good track if you want to hear something much slower and played using predominantly a piano, instead of the mostly faster guitar tracks you've heard so far.
Keep in mind that Soken san was once the Guinness World Record holder for the amount of music in a game. (Someone would help me in narrowing the actual Record)
Also once you hear the main themes from a Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, and then Shadowbringers.. you should give Endwalker's theme song a shot
ff14 is kind of an anthology of the franchise.
A franchise that has had everything from heavy metal (like otherworld from ff10) to a 10 minute+ symphony (dancing mad from ff6) and flamenco chocobo themes.
So ff14 kinda just has everything ever in it.