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#FFXIV #FinalFantasy14 #Reaction
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i'm still excitedly awaiting a blinding indigo reaction lol
Not to detract from the arrangement in any way because this is some seriously amazing work of course, to do a Nobuo song of this caliber justice and even exceed it (depending on who you ask lol), but I wouldn't be surprised if there is some Soken input in here as well since he's not only the primary composer but also THE sound director for FFXIV, surely it must have at least gone through him for final check or something.
Jesse – something must be weird with your algorithm. I haven't been getting your updates/vids on my feed as much. Weird. This is the first I've seen in like a week.
I myself like the FF14 version of FF8 boss theme better than the original. It was just so awesome to listen to it while fighting a familiar boss. This whole raid is pretty much dedicated to FF8. I have yet to play to this part actually so I didn't know how The Extreme would sound.
The sunglasses are here, too, nice 😀
While I never had the chance to hear this track ingame, I really like the piano build up in the beginning and I'm very much am looking forward to hearing it in FF8 one day 😀 (skipped the maybe spoiler part when you said "stop watching right now" xD)
Having done this fight over and over, I can honestly say it does not get old. Every time we'd fail a mechanic and the team would be wiped out, it was worth it. And it may not have been Ultimecia, but it fit the time so well. The boss manipulates time several times throughout the fight, so you have to pre-emptively move and be in the correct spot for something later on, as you'll be warped back in time to that spot. And that piano riff at the start just sounds like a broken clock to me.
As for your question: No One Winged Angel version (yet). No Ultimecia but there's a lot of FF8 content in this raid series. Kefka is in the game hence all 4 movements of Dancing Mad making it in (simulation). Exdeath is also in the same raid series (and Neo Exdeath). Anima is in there (FFX). And current patches have confirmed the Four Fiends from FF4, as well as Golbez.
Generally XIV renditions of older FF themes try to be very faithful. It was the case with Dancing Mad that you listened to, it's also the case with Force your Way from the same raids than this one.
Honestly I love hearing what it could have sounded with modern tools, but I feel like they still miss a little something, clean maybe, from the originals. I like both though for their respective strengths but I feel like the mix/mastering from those new ones are less 110% clean and perfect, some instruments are too low imo
glad i accidentally reminded you of this in twitch chat lol
FFXIV has tons of stuff from other FF-titles, where it almost becomes a mix of different FF-titles with some originality as glue.
I find Nobuo's music is especially outstanding, where it also overshadows often the music of other FF-composers including Soken.
We're eventually gonna get Jesse play through the Main Story of FFXIV xD
weirdly enough, 7 is one of the few games to not have a raid set based on it, as far as i remember… though i think it still has more stuff overall than 10, LOL
Oh lawd can’t wait for him to lose all his shit listening to Scream
This composer is the one who did most of the songs during Sokens time at the hospital to give context
I still want to believe that Rinoa is Ultimecia.
Id love to hear your thoughts on the Endsinger Theme, its a compilation of a bunch of songs mixed together from all of the expansions. It’s epic!
Funny you mention Draw.. There is a draw mechanic and a Junction mechanic in the fight prior to this one.
FFXIV is full of references from other games. For FF7, the Singularity Reactor trial in Heavensward has a phase that is a full nod to Knights of the Round, plus Limit Breaks (LB1 and LB2 I believe) for most jobs have the player slashing at the enemy with Cloud's Buster Sword. songwise, off the top of my head, the Gold Saucer is in FFXIV as a minigame hub which includes chocobo racing so of course there are renditions of the Gold Saucer and Fiddle de Chocobo themes.
The Extreme (Savage)
One Winged Angel is not in XIV …. yet xD
Yeah ngl I fully agree that this is the best version of The Extreme in a FF game lol The Black Mages version has more emphasis on guitar and drums, but this version has that whole brass band just coming in and slamming the door down
Final Fantasy XIV is basically a Final Fantasy theme park, as christened by Hironobu Sakaguchi (Father of Final Fantasy) himself. It has FF 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12/Tactics, and 13 referenced, at minimum.
Just wait till you listen to scream from abyssos, such a banger like all the 14 songs haha
Soken has trained up two protégés, Daiki Ishikawa and Takafumi Imamura, to help with FFXIV work. His time in the hospital was one reason. Another is because Soken is pulling double duty. Working on FFXIV and FFXVI simultaneously. Beginning with Shadowbringers, the two new composers have been contributing a lot. And yeah this guy, Ishikawa, has been killing it since he’s appeared.
There are so many songs that people attribute to Soken that weren't done by Soken, I'm actually glad you slightly addressed it.
If you haven't heard FFXIV's 'Scream', you've got to add that to your list
uncle Jess, can you listen to Dancing Mad by The Black Mages?
FF8 was my first FF game so I was all for this raid tier. The 1st phase of this fight has her using many of the FF8 commands. Draw, Junction, Stock, Cast. On all of the Primals you fought earlier in the raid tier.
The second phase is as close to Ultimecia as you can get without her actually being in the game. She uses many time-altering abilities that you have to resolve in a certain order AND uses Shockwave Pulsar on a regular basis.
This fight was the reason I wanted to get into savage raiding, and remains my favorite fight.
Yes it is sad we FFXIV players didn't get 'Maybe I'm a Lion' in game, but we also didn't get a song that was quite desired from the very beginnings of the Eden Raids, Liberi Fatali. So many thought we would get it and The Extreme in the raids. We got one but not the other (along with a bunch of other FF8 tracks)
The Extreme always sounds good. Gonna throw ya off of the FF hype train and suggest Devil May Cry 5. Casey Edwards did a phenomenal job, and I highly recommend the themes of the main guys. Devil Trigger for Nero, Bury the Light for Vergil, Subhuman for Dante, and Crimson Cloud for V. Also, Pokémon Masters Ex is a mobile game with really good remixes of the original songs, like they didn't have to go that hard for a mobile game. First time Red gets his own theme too!
When you rewatch this, look at her quotes during the fight and the names of some of her attacks.
To answer your question, more than likely, the next "crossover" songs you will hear will be from final fantasy 4 (aka US 2 if you are old enough) in final fantasy 14
Hearing this theme while learning this fight made it far less of a chore than it should have been. Even during the most frustrating moments, you can't help but still head-bop the entire time.
How FF14 handles crossovers with other FF content is basically taking the general concepts and adapting it into 14's world/lore. Like Ruby, Diamond, Emerald, and Sapphire weapons from 7 were reimagined as magitek weapons from the Garlean Empire in 14. Here, the core of the Shadowbringers plot focuses on a world that's been overrun by Light and Sin Eaters, with Eden – from 8 – being "the first" Sin Eater, and exploring Eden's history and using Eden to kind of repair the damage to the world making up the raid series for Shadowbringers, and bringing a BUNCH of FF8 music in with that.
Every day I check in, and every day he has 100 more subscribers.
I think the only thing I prefer in the original that's not here is the stereo separation on the synth runs. They're the element of the Extreme that made it my favorite of the FF final boss tracks, and I miss them here. Hard agree on this being a better arrangement overall though; not having to stick to the PS1 sound chip lets every (other) element of the song really shine!
One of my favorite things about FFXIV is the way they take tracks from previous FF games and put a new spin on them. I totally agree about Nobuo LOL – probably blew the dude's mind as wel.
Nice vid, plz React to Splatoon 3 Ost – Clickbait C-Side, im sure you do like it
Edit: Watch te Full version.
I would love to see some more of your reactions to Undertale music, as well as Sonic Adventure and Sonic Unleashed 😁
Can you react ro RuneScape music? (for ex: barbarianism and autumn voyage)
14 is like a theme park that takes random references from all the other games and throws them into it's own story, so we don't have a literal 8 crossover with ultimicia as the boss or anything but rather a unique storyline involving the 14 version of Eden (the summon from 8) which plays a massive role in Shadowbringers raid. There's various 8 music thrown into that raid and the quests related to it. It's great!
Final Fantasy XIV is a theme park MMO. Lots of "OH I KNOW WHAT THAT IS" and "HEY YOU'RE THAT GUY FROM THIS ONE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU". Lots of fights/raid sections are based off different games, and some are XIV exclusive. Just makes the game even more amazing. LOL
Oh, and if I recall, I believe we were told that Sephiroth ('cause around/after Kefka we hoped Sephiroth would be next) was "too powerful for us to handle" or something to that effect. 😛 It'd be sick if it did appear in the game though.
almost all bosses in FF14 are references to older FFs so there is a lot of redone themes in FF14
I think its good and ok to say this is better than the original because this isnt really a "cover". its not really any different to the original, its just the original done without the limitations of 90s hardware