Highlight of topics that stood out to me in the 6.3 Preview (preview) stream. Yoshida tends to elaborate more than what’s said on slides so I did some loose translations of his comments.
📺 Streamed LIVE from:
0:00 Intro
0:39 6.3 Release Timing
1:22 MSQ
1:49 Unreal
3:04 Alliance Raid
5:58 Ultimate
7:23 Deep Dungeon
9:11 Upcoming Job Adjustments in 6.3
9:58 UI Qol Updates
12:22 Buff Icons Mod Talk
15:04 Character Portraits
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What a mature, level-headed take on modding. Shame it's so far away from how JP handles the situations, historically. Thanks for making these videos!
So I guess SE should just accept the mods/add-ons so that eventually leads to console players having massive handicap in harder content when it's expected that you use certain mods/add-ons? I already despise pf using auto-markers on UWU. The rules don't matter if they are not enforced. Those players that got banned put the SE in hard place by very publicly in World First race advertising that they use mods/add-ons. If they had only just warned them after it has already been repeatedly said in past to not publicly advertise you are using mods/add-ons, it would look like rules are not enforced and mod/add-on usage publicly just gets worse.
The guy was banned not because he was using mod for just UI improvement, he was banned because he used mod and he showcased it. Yoshi has mentioned his stand clearly before: he does not want to go into the hassle of classifying mods that are within TOS or outside TOS (ban-able). So their motherhood statement is simply, if you use mod and you show it, you are liable for ban. To implement UI change without ban, is to endorse the use of all mods, which would mean they endorse the use of battle log mods (today's policy is still no show no tell), and battle log mod is their absolute last line of zero tolerance. The guy paid a cost to get us the change, and SE may have a bad image because of it, but it is still nonetheless a cost that must be paid.
Thanks for this overview!
Not surprised they finally added party buff timers! It was one of the plugins I tried and immediately wondered why tf it wasn't vanilla. Hopefully they keep incorporating UI improvements leading into 7.0.
Thank you so, so much from my heart for covering this, I was just desperately looking for japanese to english content translators because I believe english translation is cool, but we always miss some bits there and then from JP live letters
Thank you for the TL, I know this stuff is very time consuming to do, so I appreciate it. Very insightful take regarding damage number typefaces as well, I think that'd be very useful and I'd like for them to implement that. Hopefully lol
(also man, with the way some people talk, you'd think SE pays us to play this game and not the other way around lol)
-Quest Objectives shown on map and minimap
-Item levels for pieces of gear
-Displaying enmity
-Extra action bars
There are all features that a certain other MMO implemented from mods (addons).
The irony here is that all these features eventually made it into XIV as well.
Modern Aesthetics – Zero when?
Thank you for making this video! 😊