Jesse Is Really Excited for the Future
Preach’s Original Video
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I really like the Zero / 13th Patch Stuff. But I do think Dawntrail would have been better served if that could have been patches to kind of set up more of Dawntrail. It would relieve the pacing logjam that seems to be the main issue. So it doesn't feel like all just setup and resolution immediately.
I love it when one of you goes in deep and hard on some details that's specific to your background and the other is confused. I respect the shit out of nerding out and having specific complaints, but I also feel relieved that I'm not the only one fucking lost when the comment is first said. 😀
(This is in reference to Kyle's Lyse's walk rant)
I kinda disagree with Jesse about the ardbert part. Ardbert isn't a mentor/observer because he wants to be. He is because he literally has to be. He cannot interact with anyone and is forced to watch as everything goes to '** all while being desperate to do something about it. whereas our character in DW is absolutely free to help out and the fact that they didn't when they could rubs me the wrong way. Like Yea it's good for someone to have to learn from their mistakes to be able to handle those situations and move forward like wuk lamat, but not at the expense of others and when it's REALLY important. Bad comparison between the two I feel.
A question I keep wondering, "Why is it called Dawntrail?" Sure, the trail to a new Dawn Servant, etc. But this is Japanese we're talking about. Would it ever only have one obvious meaning?
hello all o/
OMG the Lyse walk. I can’t unsee it now!
Thank you Kyle for pointing out the "Lyse walk". What has been seen cannot be unseen. I now share your opinion on something I never noticed before.
I really enjoy watching all of you guys talking about your opinions. I don't always agree but that's what good conversation is. Now the "that walk" thing I could have lived without. That is something you can never un-see lol
Honestly, I am looking forward to patch MSQ, but I am not expecting anything great until 7.4 and 7.5… just goes it usually goes with them. Even the raid story just feels flat to me, and I never got into 11 to be excited for the Alliance Raid.
That said, I am open to being pleasantly surprised, and Jesse's video was a breath of fresh air on the idea.
Afternoon all o/
just so you know, the description says "preach's original video" instead of jesse! Excited to watch this after jesse's video!
Dawntrail, while promised to be a "vacation" story, quickly returns to being an "existential crisis" story with Alexandria, it's almost as if the story writers can't help but bring in existential cosmic threats because they can't think of anything else to keep the player engaged. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Alexandria, I love Sphene as a character and I wish Alexandria had gotten an entire expansion of it's own because I think its story arc and zones are criminally underdeveloped and deserved so much more, however when we got promised a "low-stakes vacation adventure" the last thing I expect would be an interdimensional cyber army trying to absorb souls, I expected something more of a Indiana-Jones treasure-hunt adventure, with ancient temples, traps and treasure maps, akin to DuckTale's initial "The Treasure of the Seven Sun's" arc. That was an issue, and the numerous plot holes and story choices that make no logical sense. And extremely few gameplay sections/challenging solo duties. And bad voice acting in certain cases.
7:25 I'm with Kyle on this i think, but semantics matter here and I would say there is a difference between being (often) at the center of the action and being the main character (i'm not sure they are the same thing/synonymous). FFX is an example, Tidus was an excellent bodyguard/hero, but it was Yuna's story. Also, regarding the Lyse walk… you monster, now I can't unsee it.
37:50 I think a lot of that is because all the hate watcher kind of drove off the msq enjoyers. I haven't watched your playthrough yet, but ended up put off of most of the playthroughs I've tried to watch because it was the stream mostly having fun and them hours of twitch chat complaining that they should be miserable right now.
I noticed that Lyse walk immediately and it didn't originate from just her as i recall. It looks unnatural no matter what model does it.
I love the idea that shoebill is actually Azem's familiar. That would be awesome.
100% with Kyle on the propelling forward walks.
we were the mc from 5.0 all the way to 7.0, in arr it was minfilia, hw was iceheart and estinien, stomrblood was lyse
I think the rite of succession thing was a weird choice. FF14 is actually positioned with multiple ways to depower us in the narrative without affecting our mechanical abilities. Like now that we have the cup, if we go to other shards, they could be like "We need immense power to restore the shard, you would willingly need to sunder you and your companions souls using the power of Azem to restore the shard giving up the power you gained from a rejoining", something like that since it effectively just gives us enhanced abilities, like all black mages can use fire 4, but ours just hits harder and burns hotter, any monk can punch and kick, but ours are just basically with super strength compared to those not rejoined. Not to mention that a huge reason we beat Meteion was dynamis, not raw strength, we fought a being of dynamis in a void made of dynamis where the literal power of friendship was able to vastly increase our power. That's not true anymore and if they made that clear in the narrative, that also effectively lowers our power back to what it was at least pre-universe level threat EW.
There are many ways they could take us back down to workable levels of power that would not negate our past achievements, our past achievements would actually make it possible for us to reverse the damage the Ascians did potentially.
Jesse goes way too easy on this expansion because he doesn't want to be negative but sugar coating a pile of poop only makes things worse for everyone.
Also, his whole thesis about scaling back the stakes is completely throw out the window when the final 2 levels of the MSQ are about saving the universe from an aether eating digital society. The stakes are still at an all time high.
Every race has a 'slow walk' that is only played in certain cutscenes, distinct from the normal "RP walk" players can do whenever.
Garrett is right, it's literally just the female Midlander slow walk.
And the robots have it, presumably, because they're all puppets for Sphene, who is a female Midlander, just like Lyse.
Lyse is a female Midlander who is in a lot of cutscenes. That's about as deep as the connection goes.
Honestly, I'm shocked that only one other comment is pointing this out with all the others talking about it.
Very interesting that playing a healer makes Kyle not feel like the main character because I’m a whm main and saw my WoL as main character since ARR up until EW. 😅
Yes in ARR we aren’t powerful yet but being powerful is not what being main character of a story is necessarily about to me. It’s the feeling like the story is told from my character’s perspective. I felt more like main character in crafting quests in DT than in MSQ of DT because despite helping others I was the person who was centered in dialogue and decisions on what my character will do. It’s a subtle change but still very much felt.
In SB story heavily involved Lyse and her journey but I never felt like my character was standing back and letting her act on her own. I felt more like I was working with her as an equal part of her story. This time I felt like a puppet more than support for Wuk Lamat. I’m not sure how to explain the difference well, maybe it’s just subjective feeling to it.
Despite all this I don’t hate Wuk Lamat as a character, I like her. I just wish my character felt like I had agency in the story and that just wasn’t there this time for me.
Cyclone for Australia instead of hurricane 😛
Jessie and many of the lore superfans always annoy me when they go into how past Azem knows stuff, isn't it obvious? Were in a game where they have established time travel. WE ARE AZEM! As in we travel back in time and become THAT Azem. SE weren't subtle about it lol.
In the past Azem simply nopes out around the time of the final days, simple, were returning to our home time, our job in the past done.
"But we are Azems reincarnation!" My take there is were the reincarnation of some random who wanted adventure or some such, all the same soul, but yeah, Conclave Azem is our future, not our past.
Streamers also need to be careful with lore speculation, their fanbase can be rather rabid and will take what the streamer says as gospel, even if their wrong on past events.
It all just feels so noticeboard linking pictures with red yarn while ranting fanatically about reptile people taking over the government etc.
Jesse's take on "being Ardbert" frustrates me so much. You are comparing us to a dead guy who can't even interact with his surroundings. How is that good???
Not to mention I still believe people overestimate how strong the WoL is… we are not a god.
NGL, as much as I love Dawntrail… yeah, I hate that walking animation too.
I 100% disagree with Kyle that WoL/Azem is one of the most boring characters in the game. I'd argue that WoL is easily one of the best characters in the game delivered through subtext. Hell, there's a ton of people who talkg about that and the complexitizes of WoL's characters are insane. Especially 'cause of Faye & Myste from DRK quests and Azem.