Reacting to Asmongold on "Final Fantasy 14 NEW EXPANSION | FFXIV ENDWALKER Full Trailer"

We spend a little time watching Asmon as he looks at the new Endwalker Trailer plus a couple of other things that came from the first day of FanFest.

Original video –
Asmongold TV –
Full Cinematic Trailer – OR

As I said at the start, Asmongold himself is quite a level-headed person when it comes to FFXIV. A year ago we watched something similar and I feel like there has been some kind of change in his thinking. His chat however… are a different beast when it comes to anything Final Fantasy. Funny as it may be, and taking into account that some are likely shitposting or just trolling for fun, it’s sad that this disparity seems to be very much raging on regardless. Let it be known that it’s not any more acceptable for any FFXIV player to make such brash assumptions about WoW, without playing it first at the very least, and aspects of both games communities can be at fault. Pressuring people to play a game and objectively saying it’s better, is wrong.

I take his side, because I think it’s important to separate him from his community in this case, as people are entitled to their opinions but he’s able to justify his thinking which is refreshing and very welcome. We all naturally have our biases so no matter which side of the fence you’re on, you’re allowed to think the way do, but don’t shit on people for thinking differently. Enjoy!

I stream on Twitch 6 days a week from 1:30pm GMT+1! 5 days of FFXIV, and one day of variety.

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25 thoughts on “Reacting to Asmongold on "Final Fantasy 14 NEW EXPANSION | FFXIV ENDWALKER Full Trailer"”

  1. you right at the end, WoW aint the bad guy its Activision ruining their MMO. So why not jump ship, hurt the company in their pockets while getting a breathe of fresh air in the genre. Yes, its painfully obvious Asmongold provokes chat to get a reactions out of them when he had to do the reacting for them from time to time.

  2. Asmon is quite professional, I don't have anything against him since his opinion is quite valid in his own view. Another guy who just did reaction though(soda something), of all the points, the fountain in old Shalayan annoyed him?

  3. One of the commenters had a solid ass observation. The chat was lighting up with how cringe a part of the trailer was and the moment As said it was cool, they all did a 180 and said true. Mob mentality. Can't think for themselves.

  4. I replied to one of the comments here with a similar thing I'm about to say here, but I want to give a neutral perspective without mention FFXIV much as a guy who has played neither game.

    Almost every single comment asmon has boils down to personal taste. He acknowledges this. Alot of stuff he says is hyperbole but people dont seem keen on picking that up. I don't understand why people have this tendency to rag on him when he admits the problem is mostly himself and acknowledges the games quality despite that.

    You can't sell him on the story, He doesnt play for the story. Cant sell him on the music, he cares more about gameplay. Regarding gameplay he says he'd probably enjoy the hardcore raiding alot, but the aesthetic is simply something he cant get over. The eastern influences of the game is to much. To put simply, the guy hates anime!

    His chat is much but they don't control him. I saw a comment that said "He wants to say he likes something but he cant". But He can, and did. Y'all need to understand hes not trying to impress anyone. Like any other human he has the ability to not see in black and white. He likes somethings and doesn't like others.

    There is some stuff he says the strikes me as laughably idiotic. "That's so anime" it's a guy walking. "furry bait" wow literally has furryesq races that look 10x more animalistic. The comments about male viera striked me as very ignorant, even though he says he knows people are into it! The lack of understanding that the "cat boy" aesthetic is escapism for some people seems almost like a politically charged buzzword I will not mention here. My feeling on that aside, I got to remember that its mostly hyperbolic, and it's just a matter of different taste.

  5. I cannot wrap my head around why Asmon allows his chat to push him around so much. Like, why react to a trailer to a game he apparently doesn't care about? Because he "hates it"? Because his chat want that cringe food? Especially when he doesn't understand the context, because context is probably the most important thing you can have when watching a FFXIV trailer. Watching this trailer with his chat was a huge mistake on his part. People should do him a favour and stop asking him to play FFXIV and he should do us a favour and stop doing what he's doing now.

    Edit: The part of the community being vocal about FFXIV being a great game and people should try it out is very small but sadly extremely vocal.
    22:21 Not all men wants to be He-Man. Some men want to be bunny boys. Also Hrothgar, Roegadyn and Highlander Hyur are a thing in XIV lol. I think if Asmon just saw a Roe once he'd feel somewhat satisfied.

  6. watching that fucking chat is like watching medusas eyes, is one of the most if not the most toxic sht in twitch that have ever existed, i can't go and watch chat if i watch some asmongold thing, his fcking chat is machist, more toxic than poison, anti-asiatic, closed mind, stupid brain sht that could ever existed, like their fcking brain stopped at 1985 or some sht, we are in 2021, they are not.

  7. thaaaaank you Seren lol ^^ I watched the original vid, then at least 2-3 reactions to it. and like… got to say yours is just THE best in my opinion cause damn can our community get SUUUUUUUUUUUPER defensive if someone dare say they don't like the music for example ^^

  8. I get what asmon saying about the male viera. Umm, well….gonna see a lot of females playing that race more like men play female race characters. This male viera is straight up BL, RP at the max…….in balmung. Curious to see how that turns out cause my toon is in balmung.

  9. Yep. There's Asmongold, and there's ZackRawrr. Asmon is a persona tuned to 150%. Then you see ZackRawrr's youtube videos in a raw setting like his treehouse just freestyling at normal energy levels. Feels like night and day. Once in a while you'll see Zack take over Asmon in streams.

  10. I love ffxiv, but I’d be lying if I said that I didnt at least once per day say to myself “eww, thats some weeb shit” when I see what some people do in the game. The game does attract a certain type of people for sure. I sometimes wonder if Im a weeb for watching anime but then I see that “uwu” shit and I think, “maybe not”

  11. I like your take on his reaction, and thankfully the other streamers I've watched react to his reaction had similar takes of "its ok to like and not like things".

  12. That guy going "1 button spam" during the Reaper trailer.
    The fact that a WoW players has the AUDACITY to say that shit.
    When I unlocked SAM in XIV I had more buttons than my max lvl HC geared Warrior had at the time.
    That actually made me mad.

  13. The fact that you care what some attention seeking stream watchers are spamming about is more pathetic than your need to defend a very silly game. Get a sense of humor. Learn to be honest about terrible music and corny, poorly acted dialogue, which is the norm on all games.

    Stop being a defensive, catty cultist.


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