A chip off the ol’ block, I guess.
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Ah yes, the two stacks is basically just P10S poison all over again :3
A video has never gotten me to wheeze or cough this hard before, hats off to you, my good sir.
"My turn."
This channel has gone downhill since stormblood.
marc's sprite with a wide smile is mildly charming to me for some reason
Glad to see you guys have been enjoying the new PvP season
Drak's shriek of spread is so funny. He barely got to say it before he died 😂
I can't wait XD
Neil never mention that screen again😡 ever.
Drak practicing both sides of the dad spectrum with Marc, disappointment and panic.
This tier in a nutshell: "when the Corey is away the mice will torture Drak"
Drak really had to pick up painting in the end.
And he used his power to draw several death poses.
Out of all the fights to be a "disappointed dad" in
This is the best one. Hang in there (Also PCT go brrrr)
justified imo
This is
what I expected.
(I basically did to the MCH in my group what Marc did to you there I friggin feel it)
See when Square said it was gonna be a tournament arc…..i think they meant against the bosses. not your own teammates. 😂
I think you added a second M2S to the Director's Cut playlist instead of the M3S one
I see Marc is taking Spofie's role of Drak torpedo
I can't wait for you to take on M4 (Savage) and find out the music is timed to the transition (or close to it.)
You could say the music goes… SAVAGE.