rating every chocobo in FFXIV out of 10

they’re good birds



18 thoughts on “rating every chocobo in FFXIV out of 10”

  1. Let me tell you, as a lala, driving my big manra bride around on ceremony chocobo was hilarious and beautiful. The real reason he loses points is that guys can't ride sidesaddle on him, what's up with that?
    Anyway the bird curve is correct, they're all perfect.

  2. You didn't cover one of the most important chocobos out there. And that's the Sleeping Chocobo. I'm encouraging you to fix this as soon as humanly possible
    (There should be one somewhere in the Tailfeather camp. There is also one out at Castellum Velodyna by the southeast exit stalls. It may require progress with the Ananta bridge keepers though)

    But yeah they're super important probably one of the best of the bunch


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