FFXIV Guide – Everything To Do Before Patch 6.3

Patch 6.3 is right around the corner, so its time to start preparing for what is starting to look like another beefy Endwalker patch. So its time to start grinding some pvp while working those crafting macros because next patch is going to have a variety of different content you need to prepare for.

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9 thoughts on “FFXIV Guide – Everything To Do Before Patch 6.3”

  1. it's harder content but the criterion dungeon is also a decent way to farm gil, it's 25 clears for a guaranteed mount but you can get it as a random drop as well (I've gotten 3 from 21 clears but I think that's disproportionately good, in reality it's probably around a 5% drop rate if I had to guess). A mount goes for about 11 million (on Chaos at least) so even if you get awful rng it's roughly half a million per clear (a clear takes about half an hour)

  2. how does the malmstone thing work? I'm hoping they bring back the sexy demon looking armor set. If there's nothing you want from the current series, just wait for next to see what the rewards are before grinding to 25? i assume getting to 25 only works for the current season

  3. So… things I need to do before 6.3: Absolutely nothing 😀

    Nice reminder on POTD though. Haven't done that in ages so might spend a few hours enjoying that tonight.

    Thanks for the video!

  4. I feel like the statement from the devs about PvP rewards returning was maybe a mistranslation during a live letter. Unless someone has some more up-to-date information on the topic I'm unaware of? Regardless, it's a much much safer bet to just get it now if you really want that mount. It's an awesome one, I wouldn't miss it if I were you. It has been in my daily rotation this patch.


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