Ranking FFXIV Savage Fights – My Endwalker Raid Tier List

Comparing & Ranking all 15 Savage Fights in FFXIV’s Endwalker Expansion

0:00 – Intro & Rules
0:38 – Asphodelos (1st Tier)
4:36 – Abyssos (2nd Tier)
11:00 – Anabaseios (3rd Tier)
16:40 – Final Tier List


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17 thoughts on “Ranking FFXIV Savage Fights – My Endwalker Raid Tier List”

  1. only having PF'd I still agree with most of what you said, to me Abyssos tho is basically all low C or dumpster tier, especially floor 1-3 I found myself lost in the timeline quite abit.
    P5s would be great without devour, P6s is just bad, P7s is worse – and feels so slow for no reason.
    Personally I'd rate P2s a little higher, something about the fight just really worked for me.
    P4s p2 being superior to P4s p1 is also something I agree with. Curtain Call is an amazing enrage/final mechanic – overall P4s p2 felt very theatric and well paced.
    Anabaseios would maybe be slightly better with having P10 & P11 swap places, but mommy Athena is a banger

  2. I always thought it was a bit of a hot take but I absolutely agree in p8s phase 2 being kinda mid, or even a little boring, and most of the appeal came from the spectacle factor more than anything else.

  3. Honestly I think p3s is really cool mechanically. The visuals really drag it down. Its not just the orange, I had a major issue with darkened fire. For some reason they made the numbers glow really bright, and you also have an additional marker above you that's the same color, and both of those things made it needlessly hard. I had so many wipes there because someone swore their number wasn't what they actually had. That just feels massively frustrating when you can do tons of similar mechanics with no issue.

    And I do think the orange on orange on orange can make things harder to see than they should. Its not just that it looks ugly, for me and some others in my group, it felt like the difficulty wasn't from the mechanics themselves but just the visual design, which doesn't feel great.

    There is good though, I thought it had a lot of good tanking responsibilities, needing to be pretty on the ball with mitigation. Probably the best aspect of it for me is it got me thinking about how to optimize utility.

  4. I generally agree with your list, although I have P10S higher and thought P8S P2 overall was okay. Interesting to see how different roles view these fights. Some of my favorite healing phases were in P4S P2, P8S P2 (NA was busy but rewarding), and P12S P1. P10S requires a decent amount of coordination, but I haven't really found it as difficult as other people. This tier overall has been really great and hopefully holds up over the next year while we wait for the new expansion.

  5. I disliked P7S more than P6S, as a semi-hardcore raider (so not a speed killer/etc). P6S was short enough it didn't overstay it's welcome, whereas due to my group struggling a bit P7S's final mechanics it far overstayed it's welcome. I think a boring fight with backloaded difficulty is significantly more unpleasant than a boring fight with no difficulty. I'll take being bored for a short period of time over being bored for a long period of time, basically, and the greater missed potential of P7S as a whole made it sting more. However, I suppose that a speed group killing both in 1-2 hours would not see much of a difference.

    Overall I agree with basically everything in this video. I'm glad a really good player agrees with my assessment that P5S is held back by Devour, rather than simply glossing over it as a quirky mechanic.

  6. P6s > P7s. Hot take I actually like P6s I thought it was pretty chill. P7s however is irredeemable for me, never in my life have I ever wanted to leave the instance as soon as I enter P7s. P7s for 8 minutes is the most boring fight and lemme tell you, boredom is the last emotion I wanna feel especially when its content I like doing.

  7. Here are my thoughts as a PF warrior
    P1s: simple entry to savage , prog in PF simple and easily cleared since majority of people were newe to savage. B
    p2s: a step up from p1s and unique area. this is my fave out of this tier since i love huge bosses but the mechanics were pretty brutal and overflow 3 made alot of parties had to optize for tank lb or planed heals. it was hard early weeks but thats what matters. A
    p3s: have you ever wanted to rip your hair out because people cant do simple things… progging the 1st half was hell and even reclears were hell… but the fight overall was properly paced and it was really fun mechanics. but sadly id have to give it a C because PF cant do adds + bright arena making it hard to see mechs + janky tethers
    p4sp1: aside from pinax memes this fight is really simple and just a rememberance check. C
    p4sp2: it wsa quite unique and moment had to be specific otherwise you wipe the party. this fight even with reclears still got people but nothing was ever static. Was a fun fight to prog in PF. B
    p5s: aside from devour and ruby 5. fight was straight foward and farely forgiving for a 1st floor. Every now and then you see devour memes in reclears but thats ok . A
    p6s: it was boring, nothing was really hard and cache 1 was simple once people got it. The fact that you can turn your brain off and auto pilot while there is no dps check just a huge punching bag makes this fight dissapointing. F
    p7s: i call it p7n basically because thats what this fight was. I almost fell asleep progging and thats not good. What made it harder to prog the last mechs in PF was cuz there was like 3 strats that people had to learn. overall. F
    p8sp1: this fight is pretty fun to prog if you dont have people that wipe to snake 1 or snake 2. But dancer mains were suffering on dog 1 1st since you had to delay your buffs badly due to an unplaned window. A
    p8sp2: clearing it for the 1st time is the only time you enjoy this fight. Anythign after that and you can turn off your brain for like half the fight and still be ok. It just becomes stale after the 1st clear. B
    p9s: Good 1st floor not too hard but this fight has alot of body checks ironcally with Lc1 being quite a PF wall and rest simple. But its a good enough diffculty. B
    p10s: oh god… i love this boss but this fight is brutal on PF. 1 death can snowball a bunch more deaths or a wipe. PRoging it was really fun but clear parties even reclears… Im scared for my life. S
    p11s: the fight was quite boring tbh.. just e11s stuff with twist. The unique mechanic that i wished was used more is light and dark.. That mech has tons of potential to make for fun unique puzzles. But oveall it was tons easier then 10 even with my weakness of directional navagting in savage raids . C

    have not cleared p12 yet

    TLDR: My experiences progging and reclearing the fight from PF .
    S: p10s
    A: p2s , p5s , p8sp1.
    B: p1s, p4sp2, p8sp2, P9s
    C: P3s, p11s
    F. P6s , p7s.

  8. I think I agree with the tier list, although I'd put P11S higher. I also didn't get to optimize P8S P2, so I'd put it a little higher myself. It was a pretty fun fight to prog and reclear, washed up as I was

  9. I can understand the optimization part of P8SP1 bringing it down, but for me personally I’d still keep it in S. If there is only one glaring flaw in a fight, but the rest of it is amazing (I.E music and mechanics), I can still put it high. Even the PF experience, at least once you’re in phase 2, was a lot better and still had some fun that could be had in it.

  10. I agree on p3s, it got shat on really hard cause PF sucks donkey dick at spread mechs, but i thought was the ad phase was great, the death mech was neat, and was probably the hardest third turn since stb lmao

  11. As a static and PF addict.
    P1S: C tier. (Primal tier…do it as anything other than tank)
    P2S: B. Unique arena and mechs and he hits HARD
    P3S: A (almost S tier but too many recycled mechs ruins it placing)
    P4Sp1(A tier) p2(A tier) both phases were fun.

    P5S A tier. Devour is a great mech and what should have been a pass/fail for p1s. Hector did ruin ruby 5 but I'll let it slide.

    P6S Shit tier. See video. It's 1 to 1. Also Scream is a shit song.
    P7S shit tier. See video it's 1 to 1. Also Scream is a shit song
    P8Sp1 A tier he was tough. Demigod too strong.
    P8Sp2 C tier. And that's being generous. The downtime for High Concept was stupid.

    P9S A tier. Gives me Chaos vibes.
    P10S S tier. Loving the pacing and mechs and its punishing nature. Gave me Midgarsomr vibes.
    P11S B tier. A chill fight. Nothing special nor hard but just right. But meh for a turn 3.
    P12Sp1. Downtime for tanks is an instant -2 so B tier.
    P12Sp2. Not there yet but will update.

  12. I honestly think P5 should be higher. Devour was meh at best. it was punishing but imo it was very easy to actually do correctly. And because of that I don't think it should have much impact on rating.

    This coming from a 3 day prog experience where most of it was with the same 2 people dying to devour.


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