High poly flowerpots LMAO people actually believe anything yoshi P tells them. The game didnt even end like this. This is all edited. You disconnect from the server and then have to view the cgi video on their lodestone site. If this game was uploaded in the game files then it would of been leaked way ahead before they closed the servers.
The Dalamund & cloiuds is a weather effect that isnt really the same type of skybox like they use in ARR. Dalamund is actually weather effect in 1.0. You can load dalamund in as weather. As for Dalamund, they would change it every patch in the updates. It could grow bigger in real time but they just never bothered doing that. The dalamund planet though is just a 2D asset facing towards the player at all times. It isnt a 3D model.
Alot of cool engine stuff was lost during the tranfers to ARR. ARR could handle more lower poly models and they did rework alot of the game's systems so things would be loaded in easier like characters.
I had a gtx450 and it worked like in the video. The highest was around 750 at the time.
This trailer is still legendary epic 10 years later and I remember the insane comradery between players as we continued to fight the 7th legion and s-tier atomos mobs until the final hour. Yoshi and his team gave us relic weapons (found under our beds at the inn moghouse) and we were able to ride our FC chocobos in town. Also to answer your question about the airships, that was Gaius and his 14th legion fleet flying over all the main areas of the game as Dalamud kept getting larger each patch. The aftermath of the final boss battle with Nael at Rivenroad adds more weight to the "end of the world" feeling that was seen everywhere and the superbly delivered Answers song solidified the final touch to create a truly sad ambience filled with utter despair. This is one of the main reasons why I continue to remain a proud player because this game has come a VERY long way. I've played constantly since beta of 1.0 in August 2010, including being invited to every Alpha and Beta test, and I can tell you stories for days how Yoshi, Soken and the entire team recreated this phenomenal game from scratch. BTW here is a link on the official forums with many pictures from that period: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/373805-Happy-Rising!-Let-s-look-back./page3
I was there for the shutdown event and remember a lot of shocked friends asking what is going to happen next. As we all loved the game how it was at the end and was worried if the servers or would return at all and not end up cancelled before the rerelease xD
This experience was one of the single most impactful experiences in my 42 years of playing video games 🙂
I was one of the beta testers for FFXIV 1.0 and it was an outright mess. So much so that I didn't even bother to play the game once launched. Fast forward to A Realm Reborn and having some friends playing 2.0 and hearing how it is now better, I jumped in and got a Dragoon to 50… but then I fell off the game completely again.
Come Heavensward and the announcement that the Dark Knight was coming, I instantly bought the expansion and played it on release. Being that the DRK is my favorite FF job due to my first real FF game was FFIV and the protagonist started as one, I played onward, learned to tank and reached Lv.60 with DRK… then with another job… and another… then I tried healing.
Then I watched Answers because I had never seen it before. Then I looked up captured footage of the final moments of 1.0. And I cried. A grown man crying at a cinematic and knowing he missed on such a momentous event. But at least, FFXIV is now my home, the place I go to to lose myself into when I need to relax or just enjoy myself.
Heavensward made me come back, Answers made me stay.
It's such an impactful trailer. Even my kiddo, who has zero context for the events of 1.0, stops to watch it every time (trial account) when logging in. Hits you right in the feels, even if you're not old enough to fully understand what those feels are. chef's kiss
So, I've been thru this with FFXIV, NMS and FO76. FFXIV still takes the crown tho. The thing about experiencing a game's rebirth into something amazing, is that you have to play it while it's still a shitty game. So, most people will never experience this.
Your comment on the graphics being so good, it killed performance. There's a good example of that here too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RETh2jSXEQs Its a playthrough of Toto-Rak. Some of the lighting effects during the player's attacks look amazing, but you can see the drop in frame rate whenever it happens.
I'm fine with them doing something big and world changing, but I don't want them to copycat the end of 1.0. I want to see something new, and it would take away from those that were there to have everyone live through another apocalypse.
I don't have to imagine, I was there. I played from open beta all the way til server close. It was absolutely a blast, and still stands as my all-time favorite gaming experience to have had such fun in that world only to TRY to avert the inevitable end, then fail and watch it all get destroyed. 1.0 had immersion up the whazoo too (mild RP was actually very common because of it), so you could really feel for your character and the others as their world was crashing down around them. There is SO much I could tell you about 1.0 that no one ever mentions in these videos and documentaries. Like did you know at launch, you could finish the available MSQ as a crafter or gatherer? NO battle was necessary, and instead, you'd do "parley" (you can still play this at the inn) to avoid fighting and 'negotiate' instead. It was such a weird design choice, but it was great for leveling my fishing only alt.
Are we ever told in game that we are the same WoL that was there in the beginning? I remember some of the NPCs telling me that I looked familiar, but is there anything definitive?
We need some sort of world events in game again. Something to get people to group up in the open world and work together, something surprising and exciting. Hunt trains don't count.
I always say the same thing too, I wish I had been around since the beginning. My appreciation for the game has only grown over the years, and just seeing this is enough to make my heart swell. No other piece of entertainment has rivaled my experience in FFXIV to this day.
Referring to what you said about 7.0 near the 8 minute mark, my own theory is that Hydaelyn was a Load-Bearing Boss and her presence was largely responsible for why the Shards and the Source remained apart. Now that she's gone we're on a slow slide towards all the worlds being Rejoined to the Source, only instead of one at a time it'll be all at once, which means a huge rush of aether such that the Source has no chance of surviving.
Were it not, of course, for our band of plucky heroes and their refusal to give up. It'll give us a nice lead-in to each of the other shards, since there's no way we're letting all those people just die. If they went down this route then it would give them ample ammunition for future xpacs with the overarching story of 7.0+ focusing on the ultimate Rejoining of all the shards and how to preserve the people/civilizations of each world while also keeping the Source from going aether-nuclear from all the incoming energy.
What nobody mentons when they tell the ending of 1.0 story is that on the launcher screen there was a picture of Dalamud and the words "IMPACT IN:" and then a countdown sequence written with bright red numbers. Everything was set up to the last detail. I have seen End of an era video over a thousand times and I still get chills…
Damn man. That’s crazy. I wish I gave 1.0 more of a chance. I played very little but was hardcore wow then. The closest I get to anything like that was when they shut Wildstar down. I was so upset because I was just looking at my toon knowing all the time I sunk into it and some other Alts I played. Just knew it would never be again. Plus the people in my guild and everything. It took me forever to uninstall the game because I just hoped it would come back. Watching this brought back some feelings again. We all grouped up with the developers when the servers shut down. Epic.
While this video shows literally…the end, what happened two weeks prior to this turned out to be the most profound experiences I had ever gone through in my life.
Squeenix had announced that to faciliate data transfer (iirc) they would cease all save data two weeks before the scheduled server shutdown. You'd then wake up in your inn and like in this video, experience all the "nightmares" and the looming dread once you headed out of your inn room.
Only to find high-level mobs of lv70 to 90 (?!?!?!? our max was only 50 then!) spawning in the middle of Ul'dah city..but what could we do? We could only fight them with whatever we could…. and when we're just about to taste victory by bringing down a lv70+ mob to 1% HP, we would see it's HP shoot… up… back…. to… 100%.
But people, at least on my former server Masamune, just… kept…on…. fighting…. it would have been the same for the other legacy servers. I felt really helpless.
And then some people discovered you could actually…instakill some mobs just by performing some random /emotes on them, one of them being /pray. And a bit later, /pray – ing to a mob also meant instant death…. to you…. (that happened to me, I have video evidence lol). When there were no mobs, we formed a line of Goobbues just outside the gates of Ul'dah. This made it to the game lore in A Realm Reborn. As I mentioned earlier, whatever progress or items we obtained in those two weeks would not be carried over to 2.0, so upon waking up in our inn room and checking under the bed (check out this "heck the bed" meme on the official XIV forums lol) might reward you with a RELIC weapon! I kept getting Thyrus zzz.
And then of course the final day came, and yeah I admit it was quite emotional to be saying goodbye to all my guild mates whom I have had the pleasure of adventuring with, but the joy of reuniting again just half a year later in 2.0 (and subsequently meeting some fellow adventurers in real life, even if it meant me travelling more than 10000km) really made this whole XIV experience worth it.
For now, let me go back to farming Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy for my 10th Manderville weapon…..
Next time you wander through Falcon’s Nest, pay attention to some of the camps. You can see toppled versions of those old aethyrites frozen in the snow, as well as the windmills in the background from when this area (the one he’s running through in the video) was verdant.
I still love this! I wish I had stayed! I left several months before the shutdown! I just did not like the game & I went on to play GW2 later that year! I was done with WoW after finishing Wrath! I saw that game going downhill & was looking for something new! I am currently playing FFXIV & I play GW2 every now & then! I love FFXIV, to me it is the best MMORPG ever! Great vid Quazii, keep up the great work!
I was there at the end. Even have my legacy tattoo on my 2.0 character. I remember how bad 1.0 was. How far ff14 has come.
This thing always makes me tear up. Someone tell me why
I was there, it was so powerful, it crashed my computer over a dozen times. The real struggle was trying to stay logged in until the end.
High poly flowerpots LMAO people actually believe anything yoshi P tells them. The game didnt even end like this. This is all edited. You disconnect from the server and then have to view the cgi video on their lodestone site. If this game was uploaded in the game files then it would of been leaked way ahead before they closed the servers.
The Dalamund & cloiuds is a weather effect that isnt really the same type of skybox like they use in ARR. Dalamund is actually weather effect in 1.0. You can load dalamund in as weather. As for Dalamund, they would change it every patch in the updates. It could grow bigger in real time but they just never bothered doing that. The dalamund planet though is just a 2D asset facing towards the player at all times. It isnt a 3D model.
Alot of cool engine stuff was lost during the tranfers to ARR. ARR could handle more lower poly models and they did rework alot of the game's systems so things would be loaded in easier like characters.
I had a gtx450 and it worked like in the video. The highest was around 750 at the time.
This trailer is still legendary epic 10 years later and I remember the insane comradery between players as we continued to fight the 7th legion and s-tier atomos mobs until the final hour. Yoshi and his team gave us relic weapons (found under our beds at the inn moghouse) and we were able to ride our FC chocobos in town. Also to answer your question about the airships, that was Gaius and his 14th legion fleet flying over all the main areas of the game as Dalamud kept getting larger each patch. The aftermath of the final boss battle with Nael at Rivenroad adds more weight to the "end of the world" feeling that was seen everywhere and the superbly delivered Answers song solidified the final touch to create a truly sad ambience filled with utter despair. This is one of the main reasons why I continue to remain a proud player because this game has come a VERY long way. I've played constantly since beta of 1.0 in August 2010, including being invited to every Alpha and Beta test, and I can tell you stories for days how Yoshi, Soken and the entire team recreated this phenomenal game from scratch. BTW here is a link on the official forums with many pictures from that period: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/373805-Happy-Rising!-Let-s-look-back./page3
I was there for the shutdown event and remember a lot of shocked friends asking what is going to happen next. As we all loved the game how it was at the end and was worried if the servers or would return at all and not end up cancelled before the rerelease xD
This experience was one of the single most impactful experiences in my 42 years of playing video games 🙂
I was one of the beta testers for FFXIV 1.0 and it was an outright mess. So much so that I didn't even bother to play the game once launched. Fast forward to A Realm Reborn and having some friends playing 2.0 and hearing how it is now better, I jumped in and got a Dragoon to 50… but then I fell off the game completely again.
Come Heavensward and the announcement that the Dark Knight was coming, I instantly bought the expansion and played it on release. Being that the DRK is my favorite FF job due to my first real FF game was FFIV and the protagonist started as one, I played onward, learned to tank and reached Lv.60 with DRK… then with another job… and another… then I tried healing.
Then I watched Answers because I had never seen it before. Then I looked up captured footage of the final moments of 1.0. And I cried. A grown man crying at a cinematic and knowing he missed on such a momentous event. But at least, FFXIV is now my home, the place I go to to lose myself into when I need to relax or just enjoy myself.
Heavensward made me come back, Answers made me stay.
Great vid man
Really think they should bring that elf dude back
Keep in mind this was a year long cliffhanger too.
The lyrics of Answers hit even harder now that 10 years later, we have our answers.
It's such an impactful trailer. Even my kiddo, who has zero context for the events of 1.0, stops to watch it every time (trial account) when logging in. Hits you right in the feels, even if you're not old enough to fully understand what those feels are. chef's kiss
So, I've been thru this with FFXIV, NMS and FO76. FFXIV still takes the crown tho. The thing about experiencing a game's rebirth into something amazing, is that you have to play it while it's still a shitty game. So, most people will never experience this.
Yoshi P is our Louisoix. He teleported everyone out of the game before it blew up and they all woke up in a beautiful world of wonder.
Your comment on the graphics being so good, it killed performance. There's a good example of that here too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RETh2jSXEQs
Its a playthrough of Toto-Rak. Some of the lighting effects during the player's attacks look amazing, but you can see the drop in frame rate whenever it happens.
1.0 also had much better physics, as well. they put all their power into the wrong things, unfortunately.
I'm fine with them doing something big and world changing, but I don't want them to copycat the end of 1.0. I want to see something new, and it would take away from those that were there to have everyone live through another apocalypse.
I don't have to imagine, I was there. I played from open beta all the way til server close. It was absolutely a blast, and still stands as my all-time favorite gaming experience to have had such fun in that world only to TRY to avert the inevitable end, then fail and watch it all get destroyed. 1.0 had immersion up the whazoo too (mild RP was actually very common because of it), so you could really feel for your character and the others as their world was crashing down around them. There is SO much I could tell you about 1.0 that no one ever mentions in these videos and documentaries. Like did you know at launch, you could finish the available MSQ as a crafter or gatherer? NO battle was necessary, and instead, you'd do "parley" (you can still play this at the inn) to avoid fighting and 'negotiate' instead. It was such a weird design choice, but it was great for leveling my fishing only alt.
Are we ever told in game that we are the same WoL that was there in the beginning? I remember some of the NPCs telling me that I looked familiar, but is there anything definitive?
the era when FF14 actually looked decent graphically
We need some sort of world events in game again. Something to get people to group up in the open world and work together, something surprising and exciting. Hunt trains don't count.
I always say the same thing too, I wish I had been around since the beginning. My appreciation for the game has only grown over the years, and just seeing this is enough to make my heart swell. No other piece of entertainment has rivaled my experience in FFXIV to this day.
Referring to what you said about 7.0 near the 8 minute mark, my own theory is that Hydaelyn was a Load-Bearing Boss and her presence was largely responsible for why the Shards and the Source remained apart. Now that she's gone we're on a slow slide towards all the worlds being Rejoined to the Source, only instead of one at a time it'll be all at once, which means a huge rush of aether such that the Source has no chance of surviving.
Were it not, of course, for our band of plucky heroes and their refusal to give up. It'll give us a nice lead-in to each of the other shards, since there's no way we're letting all those people just die. If they went down this route then it would give them ample ammunition for future xpacs with the overarching story of 7.0+ focusing on the ultimate Rejoining of all the shards and how to preserve the people/civilizations of each world while also keeping the Source from going aether-nuclear from all the incoming energy.
There's actually a second part were louisoix gets engulf by the light if haven't seen it already
What nobody mentons when they tell the ending of 1.0 story is that on the launcher screen there was a picture of Dalamud and the words "IMPACT IN:" and then a countdown sequence written with bright red numbers.
Everything was set up to the last detail.
I have seen End of an era video over a thousand times and I still get chills…
Damn man. That’s crazy. I wish I gave 1.0 more of a chance. I played very little but was hardcore wow then. The closest I get to anything like that was when they shut Wildstar down. I was so upset because I was just looking at my toon knowing all the time I sunk into it and some other Alts I played. Just knew it would never be again. Plus the people in my guild and everything. It took me forever to uninstall the game because I just hoped it would come back. Watching this brought back some feelings again. We all grouped up with the developers when the servers shut down. Epic.
Back then, steel cyclone was the best skill of all
I will never not get goosebumps and tear up watching that cinematic
Yeah, it would be amazing if the team decided to somehow weave in the 1.0 story into the revamped game so 2.0-and-after players can experience it
While this video shows literally…the end, what happened two weeks prior to this turned out to be the most profound experiences I had ever gone through in my life.
Squeenix had announced that to faciliate data transfer (iirc) they would cease all save data two weeks before the scheduled server shutdown. You'd then wake up in your inn and like in this video, experience all the "nightmares" and the looming dread once you headed out of your inn room.
Only to find high-level mobs of lv70 to 90 (?!?!?!? our max was only 50 then!) spawning in the middle of Ul'dah city..but what could we do? We could only fight them with whatever we could…. and when we're just about to taste victory by bringing down a lv70+ mob to 1% HP, we would see it's HP shoot… up… back…. to… 100%.
But people, at least on my former server Masamune, just… kept…on…. fighting…. it would have been the same for the other legacy servers.
I felt really helpless.
And then some people discovered you could actually…instakill some mobs just by performing some random /emotes on them, one of them being /pray. And a bit later, /pray – ing to a mob also meant instant death…. to you…. (that happened to me, I have video evidence lol).
When there were no mobs, we formed a line of Goobbues just outside the gates of Ul'dah. This made it to the game lore in A Realm Reborn.
As I mentioned earlier, whatever progress or items we obtained in those two weeks would not be carried over to 2.0, so upon waking up in our inn room and checking under the bed (check out this "heck the bed" meme on the official XIV forums lol) might reward you with a RELIC weapon! I kept getting Thyrus zzz.
And then of course the final day came, and yeah I admit it was quite emotional to be saying goodbye to all my guild mates whom I have had the pleasure of adventuring with, but the joy of reuniting again just half a year later in 2.0 (and subsequently meeting some fellow adventurers in real life, even if it meant me travelling more than 10000km) really made this whole XIV experience worth it.
For now, let me go back to farming Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy for my 10th Manderville weapon…..
Next time you wander through Falcon’s Nest, pay attention to some of the camps. You can see toppled versions of those old aethyrites frozen in the snow, as well as the windmills in the background from when this area (the one he’s running through in the video) was verdant.
I still love this! I wish I had stayed! I left several months before the shutdown! I just did not like the game & I went on to play GW2 later that year! I was done with WoW after finishing Wrath! I saw that game going downhill & was looking for something new! I am currently playing FFXIV & I play GW2 every now & then! I love FFXIV, to me it is the best MMORPG ever! Great vid Quazii, keep up the great work!