Pyromancer believes the Final Fantasy 14 community is completely wrong.
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#Accolonn #MMORPG #Gaming
On the "brand" topic, that's actually the problem with Pyro.
His brand ISN'T him raging. His brand, for the longest time was the lore guy. But "occasionally" he trips himself over and get's stupid angry.
People for the longest time followed him FOR the LORE. Every time he rages, he damages his "brand" and he's slipping quite regularly and more and more often, especially since he streams more and more.
His content used to be constructed videos, now its streaming and clips. Sure it's "easier" or "faster" to create this content, but that overrides his old brand.
If he wants to pivot, that's his right to do so, but let's not pretend like the issue is "the community" or "the chat" when he himself is taking one step forward 2 steps back.
What Pyro actually means in his comment about it being ok to rage at wow but not ff14 is the overlying issue we have today. It is ok for one group to do something and not the other. THINK ABOUT IT. That is the point he was making. People just fail so hard these days to see that. Now I sit back for that angry comment to at which I eat my popcorn to.
why react to someone who clear as daylight has anger/attachment issues like Pyro has. He's way too much and too quick emotionally invested in things that don't demand/deserve that affection, like WoW or FF or any other game for that matter PYro decides to paint and decorate his entire room after. He goes from 0 to 100 in a heartbeat about nothing and that's really unhealthy. To me he's a person who needs treatment and so i don't feel comfortable watching this video.
LMAO this ginger guy is by FAR the worst "content creator" in the history of FINAL FANTASY XIV.
Pyro is made aggravated assumptions and told LIES, admitted he LIED in his apologies and SHOWED he did not understand the reason people reacted badly to him the past time, he SHOWED he did not accept responsibility for the attacks and actions HE had against poor people that did not attack him, they just told him he was wrong, and he WAS.
This ginger guy is pushing the controversy angle since STORMBLOOD and 2017, go search, first he was trying to push the agenda "FF14 is dying" and when he got ridiculed for that because FF14 exploded, he changed the controversy to "community.bad.andy."
Pyros attitude is his problem not the community. Just like his outburst over console gaming vs pc in ff14. Also outside his videos hes kind of a dick. I have a personal experience. I shared a theory i had with him that kinda contradicted one of his vids and i got a complete asshole response.
I mean personally speaking I'm not gonna watch anything he makes after learning he was DMCA'ing people for reacting to his rants, thats just being a fucking child and trying to hide what you did. Own your mistakes and flaws so you can correct them or you will never grow up.
Ginger prime has clearly not watched Pyro's old WoW streams if he thinks this is anything new. I started watching Pyro around the end of Legion/early BFA because his lore speculations, his best type of content by far, but every time I tuned in to his streams he would just get derailed for hours bitching at people in chat. At least back then he uploaded most of his speculations on Youtube so I could just get to the good part. However, now that he barely uploads on YT, you'd have to deal with his streams which a lot of it is, once again, just constant screaming matches with his chat. It's a shame too because he is very clearly knowledgeable about the lore for both games and I'd love to see his speculations for what's coming in 7.0.
I remember that video he did where he said he had to get out of the house, so he did a video while he was trying to do tricks on his bike. There are times for everyone when they just need to step away and do something else. I think this is probably one of those times again.
Brian is awesome but this stance is clearly influenced by his attempts at fighting what is actually a small minority of players on xiv. Pyro openly talks about how he has ADHD and that can come with anger issues which he is trying to get help with. People have been pointing out that this has always been what Pyro streams are like. But Bryan blaming it on XIV players is an excuse. I tend to find people because I am an msq/everything else Andy. I will continue watching if I like the person. I like Acco so I continued watching and subbed to all of his channels and follow him on twitch.
Pyro has an anger problem. I know how that feels, so I don't want to be too hard on him. But he really has a bad habit of putting his eggs in one basket. And he can't take criticism. Copy right striking is a lame move, hands down. But I hope he takes a step back and gets better.
WoW defenders definitely are not as bad as the FF Andy's.
Pyro is just an angry person 90% of the time. Like actual anger issues, who wants to sit there and watch that lol.
He's not built for streaming. He doesn't understand that raging at a game vs raging at the ones supporting you is not the same thing. He doesn't understand that there is a difference between people that watched because they liked his lore content and MSQ enthusiasm and people that hate watch or are just there to see him lose his mind. Like yes, of course that's the most popular clip, the internet loves a trainwreck but that's not being popular, that behavior drove away everyone like me, that didn't know him and actually watched because I liked his content and then he was left with just people that like seeing the chaos and self pity.
He somehow thinks he got popular because he can't control himself when actually it's the opposite, he pushed out the real viewer base and only has hate watchers now. He really said "People loved me raging at WoW but got mad about FF", like no sir, there's a HUGE difference between dragging a game and company vs cursing out chat members as people and FF players as people. He should not stream, period, just post lore videos and be quiet.
Pyro turned himself into an lolcow. This has nothing to do with the FF community.
Sad fact of life is people will watch you as long as your covering subjects they are interested, be it FF XIV MSQ or Warhammer 40k. Best creator can hope is that at least some will stick around. If streamer is interesting, there will absolutely be MSQ viewers that continue to view even after MSQ, Quazii for example. Just not to sound like negative nancy, I do agree with most of other things said.
Used to watch Pyro when he was streaming MSQ… saw the video of him raging at chat for a stupid reason and saying that console is inferior to pc, basically shitting on the whole console community that plays FFXIV, and decided that I wasn't going to listen to his baby rages anymore and stopped watching. I don't care if the guy has ADHD, I'm not going to take that shit and from the looks of it A LOT of people weren't either. He has only himself to blame.
What he doesn't get is that people felt bad for Pyro and agreed with his outburst when he tore a new a-hole to people who were hating on him for now playing FF14. We supported him in his change towards FF14, but what we were looking forward to was his lore speculations, because that is what he was known for, we didn't expect a Asmongold 2.0 or a Taliesin of FF14m and arguably, we didn't want that.
Pyromancer has not learned how not to feed the trolls and gets butthurt easily.
lmao, pull the rug.
After watching this video, Pyro is such a manbaby, it is ridiculous. He needs to find a corner to cry in.
You make 100x more content than Pyro. Pyro makes low effort content and wants to blame ff14 community for losing interest.
Add a crappy attitude to the mix and you get what u get
Pyro is just unwatchable. Dude needs therapy. He seems legit mentally unstable.
Acco is right. There is a defense force game. There's even a defense force for Babylon's Fall lol
A take from someone who watched pyro from the start up to mid-EW and then quit:
I agree that Pyro should have known better that you can't attack the people who are paying you to stream. Pyro the person could have solved the issue with growing thicker skin but that takes self-reflection and Pyro always came off a bit narcissistic about his own opinions on everything so that was never going to happen.
In Pyro's situation it was even more important because he was provided the option with enough streamer money to quit his retail job and stream full-time. He was then able to rent a new place and get out of a problematic and stressful home to a new one. He was able to fully furnish his new place with all new appliances and he was then able to buy his gf a car that she needed. Eventually he was even was able to fund the cost of the wedding they were planning.
He was getting his money mostly from MSQ-watchers who enjoyed him playing. His job was then to make sure to keep some of those around for when the story runs out and they still enjoyed his content, AKA building a new community because not all MSQ-watchers are MSQ-only-andies. He drew a lot of people who were there for his lore takes and he never really capitulated on keeping those people around and by the time he finished all expansions it was too late.
He couldn't control his emotions and turned part of his community into his enemies, like you said. He had a bit of self-awareness and realized that he couldn't keep doing that, so he made promises that he'd change. That didn't work out and he still was never able to control himself for the most part and had issues all the way up to the end of Endwalker. Even to the point that he tried to drag out the last 1/3 of the expansion because he knew he was going to lose most of his viewers which caused even more drama.
He totally stopped streaming any raids from Stormblood on because he couldn't handle "looking bad" by streaming his first-time playthrough where everyone makes mistakes and chat making fun of him. Again playful banter would be taken way too seriously and he'd trigger himself into saying mean and stupid things he'd have to delete the VOD's afterwards in order to not get banned.
It also started to rub the wrong way when he was in the middle of feuding with chat off and on he started to get a bit obnoxious about his money-grubbing with sponsor promos and begging for gift-subs but pretending that he was just joking. Chat would sometimes remind him of when another FF14 streamer would finish an expansion and the first thing that he'd always ask is how many gift-subs did they get and compare himself to them.
So the tldr; Pryo shat on the people who funded his lifestyle change and then got mad when they got offended by him treating them like shit and as you said, they won't forgive him for it.
I clicked off as soon as I seen it was a reaction to Ginger prime. The guy is literally a drama flamer trying to pump his views over nothing issues.
Pyro constantly belittles anyone in his chat who has a different opinion not even intended to offend Pyro. Just having a different take from him makes him apeshit because apparently he was told he is special growing up a little too much. The other 33% of his stream is him wasting his subscriber's time scribbling in a fucking notebook his special thought about the MSQ.
Console/Controller is a huge part of the success of this game (and people do all kinds of content on controller/console) so the original comment was dumb. Ginger Prime is a 3rd rate streamer/youtuber who hops on any controversy because he doesn't have the talent or personality to get views in any other way.
Games have gate keeping Andy’s but 14 woo wee. When Asmon started playing again he literally stopped playing days later because of the community.
Ginger tryna do damage control fro Pyro with the highest level of mental gymnastics and far reaching in the universe.
Pyro is the King of getting one guy’ed, and the trolls know it. He’s not wrong though that shitting on this game will get the torches and pitchforks turned on you. At least WOW players don’t care you shit talk WOW.
First and foremost, I'm one of those who like to watch people go through the MSQ and then leave, yea yea sorry about that, emotional vampire and all that.
With that out of the way, I remember I stopped following Pyro precisely because of his rages towards chat, it is just an awkward situation like watching a mother berrating a child. God I fucking hate when streamers do this… you might want to rage at one person or a group of people in chat, but you end up raging at everyone
That's a point I've never realized! Streamers needs to balance the long-term viewership with just having fun in the game, feels kinda suck from a view point of pure gamer.
For a game that their content are heavily based on story like ffxiv, as a ffxiv player myself, tbh I too doesn't really enjoy watching streamers doing ffxiv contents after the MSQs.
I don't know why but in my opinion ffxiv's endgame content aren't very good streaming materials itself if you don't have other talk materials alongside with them, I rather watch streamers that have alot of talking and opinions than watch a streamer purely focus and enjoying the game.
It’s because pyro apologizes and doesn’t make it his character
I think the FF14 community is a little bit too sensitive, even then it's probably just a small part of that community, most people are just here for the lols I imagine. Pyro was doing this forever in WoW, and it was just lols then too. I feel like this is part of who he is, but it makes for entertaining content lol.
WoW has the same people. Our entire guild was bullshitting speculating about the changes coming and ruminating on what they would do in the future. Best example is buffing old mount drop rates, or going back and making everything account-wide progression like rep. One person out of the whole group went off on the "I suffered and put in so much work for a digital asset, so should everyone else and my dick is bigger than yours for having better luck" rant. When we were just speculating on IF they would do it. Just like how they swore they would never let people buy old PVP sets for Tmog, yet now they do.