Played FFXIV for the first time and was NOT expecting to find this

During my first ever Final Fantasy 14 playthrough I found someone with the same name as me and went to their home- this is that story and what I found! What’s the wildest thing that’s ever happened to you in FFXIV? Let me know in the comments below.

Had an absolute blast with my first day playing this game and looking forward to playing more.

► Silver’s Twitch:
► Silver’s Twitter:
► Silver’s Insta:

Thank you for watching my video. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe if you enjoyed it and stop by my Twitch stream sometime to watch live!

#FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #NewPlayer


22 thoughts on “Played FFXIV for the first time and was NOT expecting to find this”

  1. The awesome thing about FFXIV job classes is that everyone's job in a group is DPS, first and foremost. What makes your class are the things you do in between.

    Tank = DPS that presses defensive cooldowns
    Healer = DPS that presses healing cooldowns
    DPS = DPS that presses offensive cooldowns

  2. Honestly Silver Revlis would have been a pretty awesome name. Got that old European fantasy sound to it for just simply turning the name backwards. In any case. Welcome to FFXIV! Welcome to Aether Datacenter! Have fun! Don't follow strangers! And mind your head. It is both magnet and hurdle.

  3. Lmao the chances it would happen. That it's literally the first plot in the first ward in the Goblet, aka your city's district – it's like 1/100000 chance it could happen, and it did!


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