People Food is NOT Suitable for Catboys | FFXIV

Careful, or they’ll dawntrail all over your rug.
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35 thoughts on “People Food is NOT Suitable for Catboys | FFXIV”

  1. WoL: Hey Graha
    Graha: Ugh…..I don't feel so good
    Wol: Hmm I know the highseas the voyage the summer heat it all screams at ya.
    Graha:Naw man I think I ate something
    Wol: Good lords man don't tell me you ate the mystery meat taco
    Graha: I did…feels like theres a party in my stomach
    Wol: I'm sorry man….your just gonna have to sit this one through
    Graha: Fuck you dude can't you use your healing magic to heal me
    Wol: Now see I could but you know this is a life learning lesson. Don't eat the strange shit.
    Graha: Ugh falls out
    Wol: I warn that damn fool not to touch the mystery meat.

  2. Imagine literally seeing the 8th calamity, going back in time to prevent it, wait a 100 years, have your body turn into crystal before being sent back into a younger version of your body from another dimension, then fucking dying because you went to Mexico and got food poisoning from a Taco. Classic G‘raha


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