RANGED DPS TAX IS GOING TO BE GONE SOON!? What?! Yoshi P during the Live Letter that just aired talked about HUGE balance changes coming VERY soon! This live letter is a part of the FFXIV 14 hour broadcast.
FFXIV Official 14 hour broadcast:
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0:00 Job Changes in Patch 6.25
0:15 Number changes for now until 6.3
1:33 Future Changes
Discussh* Geez my exhaustion is showing x_X
the implement of range tax is dumb from beginning
First! 😅 Yeah, here's hoping they look into this in a favourable way for us phys range.
It's an interesting problem that ranged dps is lagging because the encounter design has changed to give melee more up time. It'll probably make range dps really strong for running older content if they give them some potency buffs.
All it will take is a couple high end melee crying then they will just buff melee and create the same difference as it is now. Then say something about how they removed the range tax and go into finding another reason to justify the difference while making melee easier. I have 0 faith until i see long term change. I know it sounds salty but playing mainly mch my FF14 career I think by now i have earned the right to be skeptical. I hope im wrong and will enjoy a big spoonful of crow if im wrong.
Really at the end of the day it made sense to buff the tanks first compared to a lot of other roles out there they are usually the last role to get weapons or upgrades in general amd since everyone needs to pull there own weight it made since to give slight buffs to them because they arent going to break the game like if you were to arguably slap buffs on rpr or maybe any other job besides mch mch just needs every buff under the sun and hydalaens 72 crystals plus an ascians aether to even get that job close to ressembling something that isnt a dol replacement
literally just gonna result in double ranged comps. Even with a bigger hitbox melee still have risk that ranged just don't. Also the bigger hitboxes aren't universal.
It would make sense especially for ranged that have a lot of casts since currently casting is more tricky than hitting the boss with melee jobs, like maintaining full uptime with a healer takes more effort than a melee dps or tank simply due to the need for slide casting a lot despite having a mind numbingly easy dps button. But for example significantly buffing dancer would be a bit strange since it already has unlimited mobility and no abilities with cast time. So they still need to be a bit careful amongst the ranged jobs. Thats just my take but yeah the disparity between melee and ranged dps in the current design space does not make sense.