Pandæmonium: Anabaseios – BLIND| FFXIV Endwalker

The final chapter of Parentmonium.

00:07:24 – Stream Start
01:01:24 – Pandæmonium Begins
01:17:15 – P9
02:27:38 – P10
03:23:57 – P11
04:12:14 – P12
05:08:38 – Closing Quests

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25 thoughts on “Pandæmonium: Anabaseios – BLIND| FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. I'm the one who made the superchat that Elidibus was the G'raha Tia for the Convocation. Expanding on this idea, not only is G'raha one of the younger Scions, discounting his mind/soul which is 100s of years old, he is also the one who holds the strongest conviction in the Scions' mission and particularly us the WoL.

    This mirrors Elidibus pretty well as we see him being chided by the other Convocation members for his strong link to duty, and he was the one most willing to step up and sacrifice himself for the salvation of the star in Zodiark. There was also the 5.3 scene where climbing up the Crystal Tower we have a heart to heart moment with G'raha. We even tell him how Elidibus speaks similarly about his mission the way G'raha described us as being his reason for continuing on.

    It just fits so well. If Elidibus wasn't an Unsundered Ascian, his shard would have 100% been G'raha Tia.

  2. P12 theme being a complete mashup of every other Pandaemonium theme, eldrich horror mommy saying how she manipulates and uses us. while the Lahabrea #1 fanclub is chanting PANDAEMONIUM is just *chef kiss*.

    This entire raid tier is a masterpiece.

  3. I have a headcanon on why Lahabrea does not recognize the WoL, though this is more thoughts on context rather than anything I saw outright in the game. However, each of the unsundered had a different reason for not remembering, even though they have interacted with WoL prior to the End of Days. Their personalities/differences as we encountered them post sundering can be explained the same ways.

    Emet – Obviously, memory was wiped. While he was never perfectly sane with the long millennia, he did also always seem the most 'composed' of the unsundered. He planned, he calculated, and he could even see reason outside his mission to a degree. He says all of them were tempered by Zodiark, and it may be true, but the fact he is AWARE of it enough indicates tempering for them may have been lessened in effetiveness.

    Elidibus – Long time as a Primal, first inside Zodiark and after he pulled himself free to help the others. He held onto his duty, but his memories became clouded and jumbled as was told during Shadowbringers. So much so, even his time in the Aetherial Sea did not fully recover them.

    Lahabrea(implied) – Easily the least composed of the Unsundered. He always seemed one of the most impulsive and especially when the Ascians actually were nothing more than moustache twirling villain types, he was spearheading the rejoinings to bring Zodiark back(which is how they see 'saving the star' as we find out when they are fleshed out). He clearly is unhinged at times, almost as if his mind is warped. I, honestly, believe being close to the Heart of Sabik was what pushed him so much more than the others to cause his mind to lose focus of anything other than his mission. A part of him /may/ even know who we were, but we were what was blocking the mission so all he knew was the remove the obstacle.

  4. Elidibus has such ominous words at the end, in what I assume is a moment of perfect clarity: "should this star continue upon its path…"
    I wonder if the light at the end is oblivion, rebirth, or something more.

    For months I thought the 9th Circle mage's lament was talking puns, Mr Freeze style. Bit of a disappointment when I finally did look up her lines. Missed opportunity imo, she had the right kind of fun/manic voice to pull it off.

  5. So fun fact, the writer for Pandemonium is the new lead writer for Dawntrail, Daichi Hiroi.

    If you want to get the conspiracy board and string out, this means Hiroi has now written lore on every single named piece of auracite in FF14, as he was the assistant writer for both Ivalice and Bozja. And then Unukalhai mentioned that the memoria crystals that Zero has been turning voidsent into are another form of auracite.

  6. This raid series for me can be described as, "Dammit, I really like Themidibus now."

    Also, I did P11 normal 50+ times just so I can get the Fleeting Moment orchestrion roll. I just HAD to get that song for my house. haha

  7. This bit suggests that the High Seraph arrived on Etheirys before The Sundering.
    My personal theory suggests that this is somewhat like Jenova, or the entity from Spirits Within. A chunk of a world that was about to be destroyed, possibly even by one of the Meteia, that landed on our star and Athena found it.

    Though then the question remains: Did it get sundered or not? There may be a High Seraph shard on each reflection…

  8. Usually post patches up to X.3 serve as an epilogue to the expansion, while X.4 and X.5 serve as a prelude to the next expansion
    It feels like in Endwalker they made a standalone story for the post patches and Pandaemonium serves as an epilogue to the Endwalker as a whole instead.

  9. 3:06:00 You should have just let Kyle go on with that Lahabrea ARR dialogue, it's interesting and it's good to see someone attempt to re-examine old content with a new context, instead the entire moment is drowned out by "IS THIS IS A BIT? KYLE IS THIS A BIT? ANYWAY HELLO EVERYONE I'M GONNA TALK WHILE HE DOES THIS BIT."

    Goddamn, the lore talk isn't going to harm the stream, it's actually a good part of why some people watch.


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