This is a guide to the fight P7S (Agdistis) in the game Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV). All strats in this video are week 1 strats and are likely to be improved overtime.
Sorry this one ended up a bit long! The first inviolate purgation strat I show is really just for educational purposes. I strongly recommend using the Sleepo strat instead.
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0:00 Introduction
2:15 Blades of Attis
3:03 Fruit Breakdown
4:45 Forbidden Fruit 1 (Healer stacks and birds)
5:55 Debuffs
7:34 Forbidden Fruit 2 (Knockback safe spots)
9:05 Forbidden Fruit 3 (Healer stacks and bulls)
9:48 Forbidden Fruit 4 (Minotaurs)
11:52 Forbidden Fruit 5 (Birds and Towers)
13:35 Inviolate Purgation (FF6)
18:29 Inviolate Purgation Sleepo Strat
21:02 Forbidden Fruit 7 (Chasing AOEs)
21:55 Famine’s Harvest
23:31 Death’s Harvest
24:47 War’s Harvest
27:01 Enrage
27:32 Special Thanks!
I'm slightly confused about Inviolate Purgation, what are the positives for the first strat ? the second just seems better on all aspects, so why would a group chose the first one ? Is the second one a bit more reliant on perfect positionning / team coordination, with more room for mistakes for the first one ?
Our group feels like there has to be a better strat for War's Harvest that lets you break the minotaur tether. I wonder what the devs intended strat was…
so much ads :c
Another great guide o/
Awesome guide, terrified to try this as a healer but it'll be fun!
what’s jp harvest
War's Harvest All Far strat is a lot easier, do you plan on making a video about it?
When is the final tankbuster combo for this fight
This is a layout I made week 1 for war.
Limit Cat's week 1 –
Your birds are downtime.
your guides are so wonderful and have helped me and my static so much, thank you for everything you do!
your guides rule man. thank you
I was so confused as to what "bowl" was referring to.
Excellent guide thank you. I like the 2nd easier strat.
sleepo for sure!
PF is a goddamn nightmare despite all of these guides, Aether and Crystal respectively
Imagine liking the first strat better. Bunch of tryhards thinking they have something to prove.
I discourage everyone from doing War's Harvest like suggested in this video (or "inu strat" too). A healer absolutely cannot survive the minotaur tethers like this unless they happen to get a single-target shield with a crit and tons of mitigation. Full HP, a non-crit single-target shield + AoE mitigation was NOT enough to survive this (at ilvl 616), consistently. Only a tank or maybe a melee DPS might be able to.
It's unlikely your shield healer will be able to hand out single-target shields (and crit, for that matter) at that point due to mechanics happening. So surviving this mechanic comes down to either being lucky that only tanks get minos or sacrificing 1-2 players to minotaurs.
😨*cries in shield healer and everyone wanting to do this on pf*
Suffered alot in this raid, especially when we got enrage at 1% OTL
Real quick for the Shared tank busters if you are doing the invuln strat. Would the invuln be up in time for the JP Tank Invuln Deaths Harvest strat?
Dont for get to sub to this guy so youtube pays him for giving us guides!@
thank you so much for making these visual guides, my static has always had issues learning mechanics but your videos have made it so much easier on us!!
Thanks for the guide. I've really been struggling this raid tier with the color choices used for the debuffs due to color blindness so it's extremely helpful to be able to see the debuff icons ahead of time so I know what I should look for instead. Thank you!
So, the three harvest mechanics are named after 3 of the "4" horsemen of the apocalypse. (Famine, War, Conquest, Death, though Conquest has been dropped in recent times for Pestilence).
26:00 That's a lie. Even with shields and own mitigation skills, range and mages still gets 1 hit KO'ed by mino. I hate this phase the most
I find it easiest to figure out the spread/stack debuffs by just looking exclusively at my debuffs. If I have spread 1, then I know I'm stack 2. Spread 2 means I'll stack first.
I started late this tier and thanks to your guides I was able to Clear P5s and P6s with in my first week let’s see if I can make p7s in the same week !
Whatever happened to calling the circular AoEs "splash". Everyone calls them "cleaves" now.
I find the fight really easy with this guide and braindead overall but good god is PF at it again with wanting to do overly-complicated strats for the harvests that don't even result in a massive DPS gain or loss. Especially Death's, they want to do a Japanese strat that involves rotating the camera and using fixed positions but when I see the tanks do it they get a damage down for seemingly no reason when just going to the side opposite the E/W fruit spawn for the middle bull is super simple and easy to execute.
Just came out of 10 hours straight trying to clear and we were hitting enrage consistently to begin with, lost someone and it all went downhill from there. One healer that joined tried to bitch out our tank for having less than optimal gear saying that they refused to heal her even though she wasn't dying at all in said enrage runs. The kicker is that they did so when we started the instance before a single run was attempted. Parsers are a different breed I guess.
Thank you for the guide, Hector 😀
Hi Hector, have you considered sharing any of the assets you use? I make diagrams to quickly refence for my raid and it would be very helpful to use some the assets you use in your videos (for example, the different fruits.) Thanks!
A little tip of something I noticed, and at this point I think is always true, but Famine's Harvest's 2fruit platform seems to always be one of the north ones. I tend to go to the north bridge and pick a platform to stare at (NW), then go to either it or NE depending on what I see.
This fight is so much easier than p6s it feels like a literal cakewalk in comparison. Tysm for the guide!
Doing this fight currently with my group, these guides are a godsend, i do wish p6s enrage was her just destroying the arena and we plummet to our deaths