One Thing FFXIV Still Needs to Address

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25 thoughts on “One Thing FFXIV Still Needs to Address”

  1. Was hoping Mr Happy would say the 99 items for extreme mounts. Some of us work a lot and don’t have much time to grind 99 battles for a mount or 50 if it’s a 2 item per battle drop. It’s too long! Try lotting on it when it rarely drops but the lotting system is so broken it always goes to the person who least deserves it.

  2. I understand why removing someone from your friendlist doesn't remove you from theirs, but blacklisting someone absolutely should. You're literally telling the game you want nothing more to do with that other person so why should you be on their friendlist.

  3. They need to stop adding features that offer the same thing but with different tools available to them. They complain about technical debt, but if they modified existing features or overhauled them instead of adding parallel features it'd be a lot less hassle to update things.

  4. Yes 1000 million % this needs to be resolved and to the degree you've said! The social aspect of the game is so severely hindered by these clunky systems that are heavily segregated from each other. Link shells are tiny, chat tabs are limited by community divides (such as FCs) with no way to combine larger groups, fellowships are absolutely useless cos they are too clunky to work with. You get your social aspect largely outside the game. Honestly, this would be a bigger QoL fix than any of the changes they make to stop people cheating or using third party add ons.

  5. Valid points all of them. My biggest gripe is one you mentioned. Just let me send mail with money and items between characters on the same account (if they are on the same data center). Doing the "join FC with alt" or "second account" or "sell to yourself" is dumb. There is no danger to the economy in-game or the item scarcity and it does not in some magical mystical way help botting gil farmers either if you could mail between characters, they get their accounts banned not a character, these are actual arguments people make for why you shouldnt get to send your stuff between your characters. Why? no idea, people are weird. Right now me and my wife use each others accounts if we need materials or gil on a alt since the FC we are in is usually full or close to it. The difference between trading back and forth with a second account or using a FC vault as a go between and mailing directly to my own character would be…. None existent to the game and its gil and item economy, yet one is perfectly fine and the other but a dream.


  6. I would LOVE to be able to add notes to people on the friend list. After playing for long enough there will end up people you forgot who they are, especially if they pay for a name change. Similarly it would help to be able to do the same to knowing why you blacklisted someone

  7. Its interesting how bad the friends list is. When ARR launched Discord wasn't even a thing yet, or at least not widely used. I don't think I had to start using Discord until HW.

    Also very glad I added all my characters to each others' friends lists when that teleport bug was found. Sucks they patched it to prevent players from adding their alts to their own FL but didn't add any official way of doing it.

  8. 200 on friend and blacklist is rediculous. i am allways over this so its 100% not a streamer thing. 2. the blist should stop others seeing everything about you. im sick of my ex boyfriend using it to stalk me.

  9. They barely do a good job with some classes and can't figure out what to do with other classes. But you all care more about the social tab? Then later on complain that your classes need work. Why don't you guys pick one issue and let them work on it? I prefer game play related issues.

  10. Estate teleportation is also buried in the friend list with having to wait for it to load, then dig around to right-click a specific name. If i want to visit a friend's house or visit another FC there isn't a quick or intuitive way to do it when you're not one of the lucky 3 people added as tenants.

    (if you are a tenant of multiple houses it can get confusing remembering which one is which if they're in the same town but that's a teleport menu complaint).

  11. Actually, it is 100% false that you can't end up in the same party with someone you blacklisted, the game says this but I can say that it has happened to me, where a person who was on my blacklist qued into the same dungeon as me, and it was extremely uncomfortable. I'm guessing that it's a priority based system where it's last resort is to pair you with a blacklist person because it was 4am est on dynamis server when it happened.


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