FF14 Endwalker: Beyond the Depths of Despair Cutscene

Chaos at Radz at han begins as people fall in despair on the coming apocalypse


20 thoughts on “FF14 Endwalker: Beyond the Depths of Despair Cutscene”

  1. By far the darkest cutscene in FFXIV. It's bad enough that these eldritch monsters where once regular men women and children no different from you and me. But the fact that the transformation activates when reaching the peak of their stress and anxiety means that everyone on the planet is a ticking emotional time bomb that can blow up at any second and spread even more stress like wildfire. But worst of all, once killed they don’t just die, they cease to exist. Their is no afterlife for all those men women and children that transformed, they are gone forever. To become so stressed out that you loose your individuality and become a mindless abomination that acts only on anger and instinct and once dead will never experience sounds, thoughts, and colors ever again is the worst fate of all.

  2. I was so hyped to see G’raha return to his Exarch roots. That’s the XIV-Gandalf we should’ve always had.
    Honestly got tired of him being reduced to nothing more than “ uwu catboi boytoy “ bullshit.

  3. This is my absolute favorite cutscene from Endwalker. I had so MUCH JOY IN THIS CUTSCENE! God, it was so cathartic. I was so happy in this cutscene you wouldn't even believe. I just can't explain it in words but I was just genuinely happy and just full of joy in this cutscene. I almost couldn't breathe from laughing so much, I was just choking, grasping for air. Hoo baby! Phew.

  4. I love how Graha appears as this dorky fanboy who dreams of adventure but my boy has literally a 100 years of memories as a leader facing off against the sin eaters, and man does he show it here

  5. Scene still brings a tear to my eye. During EW I was going through a lot, dealing a lot with nihilism myself. It's only a game and wonderful story-telling but MAN the implications were just so… so horrible. So indiscriminate. Beyond warlords oppressing the populace, beyond dragons and gods fighting, it was just so utterly – pardon the ham – hopeless. No truces could stop it except quelling the very real, very normal emotions one would feel during it. I'm glad SE went dark with this one, hell even darker would have been better.


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