Obtaining Flying In Final Fantasy 14 Expansions VS World of Warcraft : A Completely Different System

How we get flying in World of Warcraft has always been a big deal and a critical part of the game. It came to my notice that Final Fantasy 14 does this in a completely different matter. It was crazy to me that they had made it in such a practical matter and I thought it’s worth sharing with the community.


14 thoughts on “Obtaining Flying In Final Fantasy 14 Expansions VS World of Warcraft : A Completely Different System”

  1. FFXIV you tend to be able to be able to complete them by the time you reach the end of the MSQ for a zone. After you've been through your first time, any future times you are probably coming through either to level another job with FATEs or join content such as Hunts or Treasure Maps and gating flying would just be frustrating for players.

    I feel Gold is still a perfectly viable way that WoW could unlock it, but I'm assuming they want everyone on equal footing to get it at the start of an expansion, and unlike FFXIV you don't have content that everyone must do ala the MSQ, though I think that is a bit different in Shadowlands so a system like FFXIV might work.

    Interesting hearing your thoughts. I played WoW until about mid-Wrath, so later things I don't really know so well, but I do remember preferring vanilla and TBC, particularly TBC, a lot more, though Wrath was a fantastic expansion in terms of lore and environments.

  2. This is why FFXIV doesn't feel like a grind. It's all about rewarding properly. But it also diminish the usefulness of the currency which could have used for flying ability. It's the matter of perspective I suppose.

  3. If there would be something like aether currents in zones in WoW, it would be great, and unlocking flying would be much more enjoyable. It is like you said – zones in WoW are gorgeous, there's plenty of awesome details and easter eggs, that it would be amazing if Blizz would add something like that as it's encouraging exploration.
    Good clip, I'm happy to see that you're in Shadowbringers already! I hope that you will enjoy the story!
    Good luck, my fellow Warrior of Darkness! 🙂

  4. I could have sworn TBC had the same flight unlock as FFXIV did. I remember hardcore questing zones back in the day so I could unlock flight in WoW zones and being excited about it. I also used to play on the PVP servers so the concept of grinding exaulted rep in WoW for flight sounds like a bloody nightmare and way to kill off the high stakes pvp combat. Glad I left when I did.

  5. This is one thing I was so happy about when coming to FF14 from WoW. Flying in WoW used to be something that you just had to get high enough levels to get. In TBC it was hard because of the gold cost and there not being as many ways to earn gold back then, but at least it wasn't time gated or anything like that. And they designed content around it so when you unlocked flying, you could go to new quest hubs and find new reputations to do with daily quests. In WotLK they made it even more important where the final two zones basically required flying, and if you couldn't afford it you were given a basic flying mount that moved at normal player running speed just so you could do the content but still want to buy the actual full flying later.

    in the expansions between Wrath and WoD, they continued a system where you pretty much just had to get high enough level and pay some gold for training for the new area. It was a good system. Then in WoD they said they didn't want to do flying any more going forward, but got so much backlash that they added it back with pathfinder, which I hated because it requires you to do so much extra grinding at endgame AND it's time gated. It's just more stretching out content and making things take more time for the sake of "engagement metrics".

  6. Im glad I stumbled upon this channel. Im not a WOW player. Im a FF player. And even though I know these things its cool to see these things and how WOW players react to QoL improvements/lack there of

  7. One thing that I have disliked about Hearthstone, and it seems is also in WoW is how they tie rewards that players want with dailies. I don't mind there being dailies in the game, but if they aren't enjoyable and I'm forced to do them anyway, it really kills my enjoyment. Like, I remember back when I still played HS, I would log in wanting to try something or play a certain class and then my dailies would all be for stuff that I didn't want to do. I would do the dailies in like 1-2 hours and then not feel like playing any more. I suppose that a system like that gives casual players a sense of direction and a task that can't be failed to provide a sense of progression, but it's just such bad content and so unfun.

  8. Final Fantasys thought Process is this. If you understand how the wind works (Map Exploration) in the area and you have experience (quests) of doing things in the Area then you are able to use and Navigate the winds with a flying mount in the area. Makes sense

  9. I mean it has a reason why Blizzard gate keeps flying so hard . The realysed that if you let peopl freely fly no body will ever go throw your map . You just fly from your quest area finish and go back to your npc . Makes everything feel realy empty . Instat of changing there game designe the just gate keep you from flying . In FF14 the repect your time and just build there game so if you run throw anything just play something els. WoW wants to lock you in as long as the can the only way to do that is more content or just time gate everything as much as you can . Every Blizzard system is made to wast your time.

  10. Wow is specifically designed to be a chore and a time sink. The game is a side thought. FF14 is a game first and foremost, which happens to have time sinks. They're not focusing on that.


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