Final Fantasy XIV – Mining and Chatting (Part 1)

We’re relaxing in Final Fantasy XIV by doing a bunch of mining. We chat about a whole bunch of stuff. Everything from predatory loot boxes to 1950s automobiles.

Like what we do and want to watch us live? You can watch us live on Twitch ( or right here on YouTube. Here’s the schedule (All Times Eastern):

Monday: 10 AM – 2 PM Final Fantasy XIV
Wednesday: 10 AM – 2 PM Destiny 2
Friday: 10 AM – 2 PM Relaxing Painting

We also have our D&D actual play on Sundays, starting at 2PM

To see all our content, you should head over to our website ( where you can see if we have any ongoing contests ( We make content about painting miniatures for D&D play and we have our ongoing D&D campaign. You can watch all the art streams here and head over to for the latest and to find story arc summaries so you can jump into the action without feeling left out (and without having to watch hundreds of hours of backlog).

Our opening and break music is by Alexander Nakarada and you can check out all his work on his website:

#FinalfantasyXIV #Videogames #streaming #Finalfantasy14


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