New player reacts to FFXIV Documentary Part 1 'One Point 0'

Reacting to Part 1 of Noclip’s 3-part FFXIV documentary series, showing the fall and eventual rise of Final Fantasy 14 Online, including the process of how Square Enix went from a failed game to rebuilding it from the ground up to become one of the most popular MMOs of all time.

Noclip Original Video:

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

A Realm Reborn Trailer Reaction:

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9 thoughts on “New player reacts to FFXIV Documentary Part 1 'One Point 0'”

  1. Considering how bad running countries can go, I'm not too suprised in how a much smaller but strictly scheduled organization can totally fail to see the big picture and let stuff slip, it happens. I don't think its a matter of "its great" but its a more "its not the best but I think we can soft land it, and we can patch it up later and nobody would be the wiser."

  2. I don't think Nintendo is lost in their ways and making mistakes tho, sure they are stuck up and think they know better, and their conclusion to what they want to do is very different from what the other big 3 have chosen, but then again they make games that no where else makes and people love them for it. So, as much as I don't like their attitude its undeniable they have cornered their market and have a strong vision of what they want to provide and the world abides by it for the most part.

  3. To give a contrast on how between 1.x and 2.x was managed, in an interview with Uematsu on 1.x he was told to "just keep making stuff, we'll find somewhere to put it", while in 2.x Soken is involved directly with the battle and effects teams to make the music work with fights and cutscenes, not just to be placed alongside said pieces of content.

    And on the QA front, let's just say in response to closed alpha complaints they chose to delete the closed alpha forums rather than address issues.

  4. Koji, the company translator is also the vocalist of the music directors (Soken) metal band The Primals. You should check them out 🙂 find spoilerfree version.

  5. I'm no game dev, I'm a web dev to be honest. It's clearly not as complex as game development, and we have a smaller team (considering I'm working in a startup). Coding is not that hard, but developing anything, a web app, a mobile app, a software, a game can be difficult as we all have to work together.

    A bad management can cost a lot of time, energy and money. We can end up spending most of our time fixing the management problem: poor communication and not clear tasks wastes lots of time for absolutly everyone. In big projects such a these, there are projects managers and many teams with their own managers. To succeed, such a team needs lots of communication and also many many global product review and testing to find performance issues, design issues etc.

    Let me tell you, bad devs exist, but most of the time a project fails because of the management. Even with the best devs in the world, a bad management will make a bad product


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