MY NEW FAVOURITE CHARACTER SO FAR – Arriving in Rak'tika Greatwood – FFXIV Shadowbringers Reaction


Might regret this one, but hell, I’m a sucker for a devious-ass flamboyant villain. Emet is absolutely brilliant! Hopefully he doesn’t end up being the death of us all 🤣

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34 thoughts on “MY NEW FAVOURITE CHARACTER SO FAR – Arriving in Rak'tika Greatwood – FFXIV Shadowbringers Reaction”

  1. Target your minion and /beckon to get it to sit on your shoulder (although some with "Independent" personality may refuse). There are a bunch of minions that will do it; ground-based minions like the Red Panda and Windup Nanamo will actually climb up your body to sit. And if you're a Lala, they'll sit on top of your head instead of your shoulder.

    Another emotes that have effects on minions are /poke and /handover.

  2. so back in heavensward, when you rescue Y'shtola from the life stream, she comes out blind. she now sees by sensing the flow of aether around her, something the real Matoya warned her against doing

  3. In my opinion Emet-Selch has become one of my favorite villains of all the franchise, even or all RPG. That is saying something considering Final Fantasy games had great villains (or morally questionable characters) such as Kefka, Kuja, Ardyn Izunia and Delita Heiral.

  4. Just a bit of advice: From here on, before you complete any quests, always talk to every major NPC that is involved in the story before completing a quest or picking up the next stage.
    Especially Emet-Selch.

  5. The Scions personalities, which to this point have been fairly surface level, get turned up to 11 in Shadowbringers. Hence, Y'shtola, who has always been blunt to the point of brutal honesty (remember her conversation with the leader of Limsa) will have these characteristics given a bit more depth now. Thancred is probably the largest benificiary of this improved writing and the twins you've already seen how they have more obvious motivations and quirks.

  6. I like how you noticed how Emet is dragging his feet. There is some more meaning to that, the more you learn about his story. Think of it this way, we already know Ascians have been around for a long time. Emet approaching you differently is in the same vein as, he's kinda tired of all of it. He slouches, he walks slowly, what ever his mission is, if you pay attention to how he talks, it's as if he is over it all.

  7. Since you guys are playing around with your minions more, if you run into any that don’t seem to react to you, there is a hidden gem: if you use the “Mammeteer” title, it unlocks some minion reactions. I find it works primarily on the “wind-up”-style minions.

    /pet /handover /beckon /poke are the most commonly interactive commands


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