My First Ever Week 1 Savage Experience + Thoughts on Savage Delay | FFXIV

Pls don’t critique me in the footage it’s prog and I’m just a little noob ;_;

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Music by Antti Luode


19 thoughts on “My First Ever Week 1 Savage Experience + Thoughts on Savage Delay | FFXIV”

  1. I have a friend who doesn't like using discord when using fights because they have a sensory processing disorder do it's overwhelming and confusing while learning.

    I much prefer using discord, however. Cleared p5s day 1 in pf, p6s day 2, p7s day 3, and probs finishing the tier today.

    I would rather get in discord, have a bit more personable experience, and get the stuff done without constantly refilling. The p5s group stayed for like… 6 hours and we progged slowly but consistently and got it done πŸ™‚

    Discord means that you don't have to be able to solve every mechanic yourself. So long as 1-2 people can read the mech, they can call it out. For blind prog, being able to discuss what we thought was happening was invaluable.

  2. I barely even see PFs that have discords… a lot of people seem to have the "the other players are just NPCs" mindset when going to PF…. I didn't do much PF though as I really dislike it.

  3. I feel like Discord is a mixed bag. If I'm seriously trying to clear the content then I do appreciate it in party finder. However if I'm just progging I don't really want the added awkwardness of leaving someone's discord on top of leaving the party. I also feel like someone else doing call outs can be very helpful at specific points I'm stuck no to help me learn but in general encourages me to not solve the mechanic myself. So I'd do a discord call to prog but only if like I already knew the people were worth investing in a voice call with and if I understood the fight enough to not just be carried by the shotcaller.

  4. im currently progging P8s blind with my static and i have to say that i was shocked to see just how much the bosses actually hurt this time, like the tank busters hit like a truck and me and my co-tank have died multiple times just cause the TB hit so hard and apply DOT + autos after the buster, like ticking 35k each 1-2 seconds hurts really bad, we also wiped multiple times to normal AOE:s since we weren't used to this kind of damage, its REALLY good to finally feel like i need a healer and my cooldowns REALLY matter, i need to use like 3 cooldowns for 1 TB in P7s, like that was so refreshing to finally actually die to tank damage and just hearing the realization from our healers that "oh, the boss actually does damage now" was so good, im enjoying this new tier MUCH MUCH more than the last one, my raid is starting in an hour and im really excited to prog P8s more

  5. i dont really see the point in going in discord when you PF because the people in PF are just so different, we have the none english speakers, we have the legend titles that leaves after 1 wipe, some people are shy, some dont wanna, etc etc

    its really not worth it if you are just going to raid for like 1-2 hours
    if someone asked i probably would join a discord vc but no one ever does and im sure as hell not gonna ask people either haha

    ive cleared p5s-p7s now in pf with 2-3 friends and currently trying to do p8s and thats all i need tbh

  6. I thought you were already a big time savage raider… I must have recalled that other time. Hey no worries you've done more Savage content than me which is none – So that makes you pretty brave in my book. You're even playing whitemage! πŸ™‚ The best class *ahem uvu

  7. Definitely agree the healing requirements for P1/P2 were a bit on the low side. I was running a SGE and reclearing before Afflatus Misery got its buff, so I had a couple of WHMs who were allergic to healing and totally chadded me… And I didn't even notice until I looked at the parse after.

    Shame you missed out on P3S though. That was probably the best fight of the tier for healers. Life's Agonies is one of my favorite heal checks in the game (provided you don't bring an AST and just invalidate it of course).

  8. A lot of my friends do pf for their clears, and none of them opt for discord. They are strong players and don't need or want callouts. Strong raiding players can usually adapt to other players mitigations, IE: Tanks notice when the other tank is reprisaling, healers notice when other healer is healing less/more on each mechanic, and compensates. Even in my static, which we are on p8p1 currently, we don't discuss mitigation plans, we just know.

    Overall the communication is mostly optional, it's more helpful for some. For certain mechanics it's definitely better to have communication, but you can still do it if everyone understands what the mechanics are. The issue is more players who join pfs who don't know any of the mechanics, who don't look it up beforehand. Of course those players want the communication for someone to teach them mechanics.. But most players don't opt to be teachers, and want to teach everyone else a mechanic. If someone joins a Devour prog, they'd expect to not have to teach everyone how to do Stacks/Baits/Spreads. Because that's before the prog point.

    I do enjoy the week delay though. Allowed me to not rush the crafts for pots/food/gear. Lots of stuff crafters have to do for statics. The delay saves us..

  9. I know for me, the issue with joining discord at first was definitely my social anxiety. I just simply didn't want the added stress and pressure of talking alongside making sure I'm doing everything within my power to do all the mechanics right. Now, I'll join if asked but I don't speak. It really doesn't make sense if 7 other people are in a discord together and the 8th person isn't quite on the same page. I've done pf enough to know that strategies can change quite a lot from party to party so, if the party wants to discuss it verbally, I'll bite the bullet and head in to listen. However, I'm still someone who quite prefers it when there is no discord and honestly; I have a sigh of relief when the party is just ready to get down to business- no discord needed.

    Like, I know everyone has different typing speeds, but for me, I don't really have a problem with discussing mechanics out in chat nor do I need callouts. Like some, I find callouts kind of distracting and causes me to use them as a crutch. I'd rather just learn the mechanic so that, if I join a party not using callouts, I know what the hell I'm doing. Usually, like most players heading into extreme/savage content, I study the mechanics so, I know just about whatever is expected of me. I find it very rare that I need to hear anything discussed verbally that again, can't be typed out.

  10. I agree about Discord. There is no comradery. I actually ask people… basically they tell me they do not like talking – it distracts them. Now…. I'm scratching my head and asking myself:"Why do I bother with Discord"? So I can empathize with you on that topic – it's annoying as Hell. You may babble for as long as you like. I enjoy your videos. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

  11. As someone who started playing in EW, cleared last tier and currently finishing p8 this tier, I really must say they did not pull their punches. For my group, whose goal is a week 3 clear (likely), we've had the most trouble with p8p1 (like most groups I'd imagine). P5 and P6 took us a few hours each. P7 was one whole raid sesh to clear (about 6-7 hours). And p8p1 we've seen a .1% enrage after our first weekend of progging it. We only run Thu-Sat but we do 6 hours each day. As a tank player I can say that they really want tanks to be more active in terms of mitting tbs and raidwides compared to last tier, and healers also have to be on their toes as well (I get that we still don't have "a lot" of gear too). In p8, I have to use at least 3-4 mits (not including reprisal or HoL/DM) to live the tb without giving my healers have a heart attack. It makes, in my experience at least, for a more fun encounter. I'm looking forward to the next tier and ultimate!

  12. So I played DRK last tier and got bored of it because I got to the point where I could play it in my sleep. I swapped to White Mage for this tier and my static is flourishing, we are PUMPING this tier. My cohealer and I have some of the best combined Healing logs in the world lmao. To counter that though, I do think this tier is quite annoying to Heal. Every buster having a dot is really frustrating, and thank god we are running White Mage/Sage because our kits deal really well with it. White Mage in this tier is quite overperforming the other Healers (namely Astro and I don't think it's the fault of White Mage), as Bell so far is REALLY good. I think of all the fights, P6 is the weakest one in design to me. This tier is really solid, but I think that this tier could be seen as pretty "Savage newbie" unfriendly. Tiers before haven't done some of the things that this tier does, not necessarily mechanically; but rather that things kinda just do a lot of damage and uncoordinated groups seem to really struggle with them. I expect this of Savage of course, and not everybody should be able to do it; however, I think this tier is a lot harder if you haven't done previous tiers before. DPS getting the dot in P5 for example; most Healers I know just let them die because it just does too much damage. I personally don't take that solution, granted I still keep uptime doing it and my cohealer and I just mesh well enough together to handle it; but if that's a solution many players are taking it seems a little strange to me. All of that to say; I like the tier, but I feel like it might be a bit of a 'wall' to some fresher players and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm quite surprised they're taking this approach to it. Like P7 and P8 feel similar to an Ultimate in some ways; just mechanic barrage. The damage that some things do is fairly expected for early Savage, but it's honestly WHEN the damage happens that makes it feel like a lot.

    I will say though, I do have one MAJOR gripe with this tier and it has nothing to do with mechanics. The fact that the normal mode raid gear looks the same as the Savage Raid gear actually annoys me. They've never done this before afaik. This is kind of a cardinal sin in MMO's, like a "don't do that". Example, the 'cooler' looking sets in WoW always came from Heroic or Mythic raids. This is to show that you've done something of an accomplishment and you can show for that. This is the point of Ultimate weapons, and I'm not saying this is the same as them making everyone have Ultimate weapons; but what I am saying is that it's quite questionable that a bunch of people are running around with the ring behind their back and basically did a story fight to get it. No shame to those who don't do Savage and just do the Normals; but the gear should NEVER look the same.

    I try to not take an elitist approach to things, I can be in a privileged position being at the top of the game in my class, but I really do try to look out for the more casual players and I overall feel this tier is quite casual unfriendly in some ways. Even the Extreme Trial of this patch was absurd in recent Extreme standards. Maybe the gear from this tier will help out a lot, but some of the mechanical things are quite stressful for some players that I know to deal with; ones that have cleared last tier. I appreciate the push to make it harder, but I haven't fully formed my opinion if I think this is the right way to do it, at the expense of that average Savage raider.

    (Sorry for the wall)

  13. Last tier felt like it was possible for one healer to slack off on the job or dpses to neglect mitigations but this tier it has a lot of constant damage that if not done right, will leave the healers to suffer or it’s an insane team wipe (etc aoe+bleed damage on p7s for example and purgation with 4 rounds of back forth and aoe raidwide in between). Also it has personal responsibility (devour) where u can’t rely on shoutcalls to lead u, rather u need to learn how to run through without getting hit or position correctly (famine harvest/death harvest). Really enjoying myself and looking forward to more raids this week. I cleared p7s last night but taking a break cus p8s looks scary lol.

    I have played both scholar for tiers and love the difficulty so far.

  14. I never used PF… to shy bth … As for why people in PF dont (often?) use Discord… maybe because they dont have their own discord? I mean, I have no idea how discord works or what's even possible with it. If I would join a raid group via PF, I would prefer discord for the reasons you gave – if anyone had a discord to invite me on. So yeah, maybe many players are just as clueless as me ^^Β°

    The "delay" was a very good idea. My static runs tuesday, thursday and friday, and I'm not sure I would've joined them if I had to finish the raid at day one. I mean, we had the idea of just doing the normal raids together, having a look, but given the significance of the story, doing it in a group would just frustrate since we all go at a difference pacing. So yeah, the delay was very welcome and I hope they keep at it for the next tier.


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