Meeting my First TOXIC Player in FFXIV!

Final Fantasy 14 doesn’t have much in the way of toxicity but it is good to know there are some really TOXIC players in FFXIV as well.

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24 thoughts on “Meeting my First TOXIC Player in FFXIV!”

  1. Looks like the usual insane Reddit user, we got a lot of losers with fragile egos unfortunately. Always has been the case for the 5 years I've been playing. Ironically 9 times out of 10 it's the same people who sit in limsa being all edgy and dressed up like it's Second Life and brag about having an ingame gf, lmao. These are people who don't respect or truly get what this game is. it's a big reason why I only play with friends and care about the lore, because these fanboys who go looking for a fight unprovoked have risen up after the game went viral and their 16yo ass decided to become political.

  2. It took me 5 times… 5 fucking times to get into FFXIV over the years because every time I logged in the UI burned into my retinas, Ul'dah looked like dog shit and the GCD seemed extremely dull. The thing is I quickly realised I can set my UI how I like, that the zone was old content and should be judged as so and the GCD wasn't that bad. I now main a Black Mage and love the game but no one can argue that the start of the game is very bland and outdated.

  3. Unfortunately, you will run into a few of these idiots outside the game – fortunately, they will rarely show up while you are playing.

    And I totally disagree on the art style. I never thought WoW's art style looked that bad – until I quit playing the game. Now it looks terribly dated – including that cinematic that came out this week.

  4. didn't have time to watch the last couple videos but are you actually saying that FFXIV graphics are inferior to WoW? because that is insane … having played wow for over 15 years and just switched to FF …( idk what you'd include in graphic ) imo the ambience / weather / environmental design / mob textures is just so much better in FF if you play both on maxed out settings

  5. I mean, just go to the forums and you can see how "toxic" ff14 fans actually are lol pretending like they're beacons of light when in reality they're as just as nasty as everyone else…but they pretend they aren't. Two faced clowns. They're some of the worst, change my mind.

  6. Oh man I was hoping for some in game chat when you said in FF but this is on instagram so it could be anyone really, dude is still a turd however doesnt matter what game or platform it is from.

  7. I'm not agreeing with this guy, he's pulling a lot of shit out of his ass, but I never heard the term Weeb until a few months ago and most(not all) times I've seen it/heard it have been WoW addicts using it to trash on FFXIV and its' players.


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