LVL 87 MSQ End & Ktisis Hyperboreia REACTION | FFXIV Endwalker MSQ | Twitch HIghlights

that had to be the greatest cutscene in ffxiv if not gaming????
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Enjoy the video!

0:00 Dungeon Time!!
23:07 Post Dungeon Scene HYPE!
49:42 Quick Breather BEFORE THE SCENE
1:11:02 Contemplating what I just witnessed


6 thoughts on “LVL 87 MSQ End & Ktisis Hyperboreia REACTION | FFXIV Endwalker MSQ | Twitch HIghlights”

  1. spoiler alert

    In Endwalker, i've done all possible dungeons and trials with NPCs. This one was no exception. And after witnessing Venat as a dancer, Hythlodaeus as a bard, and Emet-Selch as a dark knight – my view of trust system has evolved to an unprecedented level.

  2. I went back to doing MSQ roulette and the speech Gaius made before the battle with WoL weights heavier after seeing the truth about Venat. She was weak as Gaius stated but we know why now. And Lahabrea saw Hydaelyn as a parasite when she was hoarding those Aether not knowing it would be used later. Insane storytelling.

  3. "no more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. henceforth, he shall walk."

    god this line is so biblical its insane. and even the lesson learned is kind of biblical in nature. in mankinds attempt at an easy way to paradise it was willing to sacrifice unwilling lives to bring back the peace it once knew if only for a temporary time. disgusted vanat sunders life, making it weak, incapable of pure creation magic, and more vulnerable to the will of nature, to teach it to savor happiness that life allows, and that through the suffering this weakness brings teach it to value its existence in the hopes that mind kind would one day earn their right to paradise.

    like tell me that doesent sound like something the ff14 bible would have in its pages. god thats good shit.


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