Let's Discuss "Pyromancer Hates the FF14 Community" Rant Video

With all the drama in the FFXIV community, a clip has been going around from @Pyromancer venting his frustrations at chat, so let’s talk about Pyro’s latest Epic Gamer Moment. Source: https://youtu.be/CFVqilG52RY
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#ffxiv #pyromancer #rant
0:00 Content Advisory Warning
0:55 Pyromancer Epic Gamer Moment 2
4:37 My Thoughts on Pyromancer, Content Creation, & More


46 thoughts on “Let's Discuss "Pyromancer Hates the FF14 Community" Rant Video”

  1. While I do think that anyone who says 30FPS Console is better than 60FPS+ (On any platform for that matter) must be blind or have the reaction time of a snail.
    But Pyro did NOT take the right approach to express himself..

  2. I used to have interest and tolerate Pyro when he started playing FFXIV but it baffles me that there's people still watching him and falling for all his bullshit. People with mental health problems do not have a pass to be toxic and pieces of shit.

  3. Noticed a lack of dispute around the topic being conversed in the stream toxicity aside. :/ I think the FF community has trouble taking criticism on their game (generally) and while the topic he disputes exists almost every comment I see is ignoring it.

  4. I mean, he probably has real anger management issues and I hope people really don't clown on him. But I really do hope he also does find help, if he already hasn't. I heard he had a lot of similar bursts while in WoW so I wasn't surprised this happened but I wish people don't go to personal insults

  5. It was fun watching him experience the big story moments, but every time I tune into his streams, he's screaming at his viewers over someone having a different opinion on a random subject. It's like his views are the law and if you disagree or even just suggest that it's a matter of personal preference, you're an idiot. There is no room for debate or dialog on his stream unless you keep quiet and nod along.

  6. i've always seen him as being the 4th best WoW lore content creator but when he had that meltdown on Blizzard i kind of empathized with him but this video right here just shows him for what he really is and what i should have seen him as from the beginning. he's a gaslighting child that doesnt know how to navigate simple discussions. we all know that PC's are better than consoles but when you pose the statement as an attack on those that do use consoles they get defensive and start making irrational remarks as well.

  7. Yet another example of a "Toxic" WoW "content creator" bringing their disgusting attitudes and personality over to XIV trying to ride the coattails of EndWalker's success when their bread and butter ship is sinking like a rock! He and "A$$mon" whom for some reason everyone want to kiss his a$$ everytime he farts, A. K. A. opens his mouth, both need to go the way of the Dinosaurs! Just plain, outright, straight up, disgusting people no matter what content they're creating…

  8. i am someone who was banned in his chat and honestly im so glad i got out while i did. He is so toxic to his chat, especially when he is wrong about things. His mods are equally to blame because they coddle him and feed his ego. The man needs to stop being a full time streamer again and get his old job at Best Buy back

  9. What a jerk.
    He acts the same way as the people he hates so much.
    He tells other people to get a life, to go outside and meet some real people while hating against the UI of a videogame and console players… maybe he should get a life, go out and meet some real people.

  10. Pyro is right this time, too bad he is an entitled egomaniac stuck up human garbage who thinks his viewers are dumb cashcows. I know him a long time and knew this will happen as soon as he runs out of story content and his chat won't be constantly in emote only mode.

  11. Dude what the fuck even happened, like why is the entire community imploding? I know the plug in issue has been massive and has had a lot of people talking but like what even started this gamer moment? Like I don’t get what’s going on both with this clip or the entire community

  12. At this point everyone who will left those boring happy go lucky streamers who can''t even get through 1k viewers because they're boring as hell. GCBTW. At least we still have Xeno.

  13. Y'all are pathetic. When he was talking mad shit about Blizzard and WoW y'all thought it was funny. Now that he's talking mad shit about FFXIV and its problems, y'all booing the man. Why? BeCaUsE tHe CrItIcAlLy AcClAiMeD FfXiV cAn Do No WrOnG.

    Does that mean what he said and did is alright? No, mans got anger issues, 100%. Is he solely at fault? Absolutely not. Still find it funny how people are trying to pick the high road though.

  14. What all this drama has made me realize or confirm for myself:
    – SE didn't know how to police their 3pt policy and it blew up, maybe now it will get fixed.
    – I will NEVER talk with a Limsa hang-arounder etc casual player who can't even unlock ultimates or clear extremes day 1 😀 (this is mostly a joke)
    And here is why (even though it is a joke kinda);
    – FF14 community is full of bad players (every other game has them too) who are also snowflakes that can't stand if someone disagrees with them or YoshiP, I say this even though I think it is the best community I've ever been a part of..
    – The community also witchhunts in the most absurd way I've ever seen in a gaming community, yikes!

  15. Pyro, I know you're gonna read this, you have to learn to let go of the argument, move on and produce the content. That's the job of a streamer. You have an audience and that's more successful than 90% of twitch streamers- don't throw it all away because of your anger.

  16. I gotta say, most anytime someone tells me they prefer a console to a PC, my brain feels melty. I don't have anger issues so I don't explode like Pyro lol, but a lot of times the reasons given, like being able to use a controller, do make me wanna scream a little.

  17. I know this is my problem, but I can't take someone serious when they are playing a video game so other people can watch. Ban them, be bigger and don't make yourself look like an ass. I shouldn't be this way, I should understand that this is his livelihood and he is passionate about it. Maybe chat is the problem….maybe I'm the problem???

  18. He needs psychological help. Those sorts of anger tantrums should not be endorsed or glorified in any way. Attitudes like this are what women are afraid of and men get stitched up for like Johnny Depp. He needs to grow the f up. Calling people low IQ for not agreeing with his opinion is pathetic

  19. Pyro has some major anger management issues. This has been widely known for a very long time

    As asmongold stated, this is a Tuesday for him.

    I'm no psychiatrist but I would put money that he has untreated bipolar

  20. So, Pyromancer gets mad at a viewer because the viewer implies console users are inferior as people. Community doubles down on stupid sandwich which makes Pyro more mad as he defends his position–even though things get derailed by community. Pyro is bad guy and FFXIV isn't toxic. Got it.

    WoW's community is toxic but so is FFXIV's. Just in different ways. They both huff the copium but for different reasons.

  21. I usually laugh off all the people that say stupid things on chat. I think that it's always more entertaining to laugh on people, I very rarely get genuinely mad at someone in chat.
    I am a small dude myself and I don't know how I'd behave if I had hundreds of viewers and not a dozen or two, of course.

  22. Pyromancer really needs to get a grip. Fucking yikes, unless his dog died earlier that day or something that was all uncalled for.
    Like before when he had his first "epic gamer moment" at WoW and Blizzard I didn't think was out of bounds because let's be honest that is how we were all feeling.
    This however, fucking yikes man. It would be a good idea for him to take a break from MMOs, streaming or better yet both if it brings out this ugly side of him.

  23. Pyro cant honestly read the chat entirely. IMO Hes true about PC v Console lol but fr he's a bro and deserves understanding that trolls will be trolls. Twitch chat takes every single thing you say as literal. You know it. I know it. WE all KNOW it. Chat can be GIGA but 98% of the time chat are trolling POS.

  24. You lost me at the idea that he should be banned for the plugins. It's ridiculous to ban people for using QoL plugins because SE devs are not able to meet the needs of the player. Yes it's in the TOS. That does not mean we have to agree with the TOS. If anyone actually thinks someone should be banned for QoL plugins or plugins that really doesn't give anyone any competitive advantage and doesn't hurt anyone then they need to get their head examined because they must be so far up the butt of SE that they can't think straight. I say that as someone who absolutely loves XIV but they are missing so many QoL features that they have simply not allocated any resources towards implementing.

  25. I used to really enjoy his streams at first, I liked listening to his lore theories, or just watch him experience things for the first time, but I dropped out when I realized that I started to feel like I had with an abuser (not saying he is one, just to be clear!). But I found myself falling into the same mindset.

    Basically, everything is going great, you are having fun, and suddenly, completely out of nowhere, over the most minor, inconsistent things, he freaks out and stuff turns sour. Your things getting broken, you getting hit, getting stranded in the middle of nowhere because he blew up at whoever could get you out of there, and so on. Then, of course, eventually the apology and promise that it won't happen again. But of course it does. So you become careful around them, always on edge what could be the next thing that sets him off, never able to fully relax and have fun because you better be prepared if he suddenly gets mad again. It's fucking miserable.

    Pyro's frequent random bouts of sudden anger remind me a lot of that, and I don't need the feeling of being on edge to avoid pissing off the streamer at all times in my life, so I unsubbed and didn't look back. Looking at this, seems I made the right choice.

    I'd say he should get his shit together before considering streaming as his career of choice, but clearly it's working for him, so who am I, some random nobody, to say what he should or shouldn't do? 🤷‍♀️

  26. Reminder Pyro has always been like this. He used to copy class guides in WoW 1:1 from other videos. Even so far as to stealing the graphics they used in the video. He used to have meltdowns like this all the time, the dude is seriously mentally unstable lol. It's just now the FF community is finding out about him. Yes, this is how he really is. Your little Lulu Fashionista clips of him are not who he is. This is who he is and has been since he started his WoW lore videos.

    Oh not to mention that when he would make WoW videos he would have extremely outlandish theories on lore, and if you disagreed or said that it was fucking stupid he would berate you for it in the comments. You can see this happen in his FF streams too. Has some stupid theory after reading one line of text that he rants about for 20 minutes, clicks the next text box and the theory is instantly smashed. The dude cannot stand being wrong. Remember during HW he forgot the name of Brute Justice and chat obviously knew it. And he went on another mental breakdown about how it was impossible for you to remember a boss name from that long ago and everyone just looked it up.

    Also, he made a fucking ticket to Square about how Amourot was spoiled for him. You know why he was spoiled? Because he was using fucking mods so the skyline of it was visible when it shouldn't have been. This dude wrote a ticket about himself using mods and blamed the game for it. Yes, he really is that dumb.


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