Opera Singer Reacts: Footfalls (Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker OST/Trailer)

Thank you to Patreon subscriber: Rena Nox for this amazing request and suggestion. Do Note: Moving forward all FFXIV content will feature gameplay/video – this is per FFXIV rules and stipulations. Such an amazing piece of music though and I do hope you’ll allow yourself to listen to this outside of the video. Super powerful.

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00:00 Intro
00:32 Music pt 1
01:15 Interjection/Sotto voce
01:57 Music pt2
02:39 Interjection/ Build up
03:17 Music pt3
03:51 Interjection/Extension
04:30 Music pt4
05:03 Interjection/Heavensward
05:58 Music pt5
06:35 Interjection/Stormblood
07:57 Music pt6
08:24 Interjection/Endwalker Shift
08:37 Music pt7
09:16 Interjection/Recapitulation
10:10 Music pt8
11:50 Post Discussion

Developer: Square Enix
Designer: Nobuaki Komoto
Composers: Masayoshi Soken, Nobuo Uematsu, Naoshi Mizuta, Tsuyoshi Sekito
Singers: Sam Carter (Architecs), Amanda Achen

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
© SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


25 thoughts on “Opera Singer Reacts: Footfalls (Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker OST/Trailer)”

  1. Sorry if this is a little choppy at times. I'm still figuring out my OBS settings for watching things like this/recording from OBS. sorry it's not perfect 😀 :X – Note Answers and Shadowbringers Music only are no longer on the channel. It's for the best.

  2. Marco : talking about the song while remembering the journey and adding interesting element to the analysis
    Chad Pikachu : still flexing but behind the endwalker vid

  3. Since you're starting to listen to FFXIV tracks I would totally love to hear your thoughts on "Flow", after you beat Endwalker of course, one of my favourite songs that came from this expansion

  4. Oh boy that's two FFXIV reacts in a row, the temptation is getting to me. Do I really end up signing onto my first MMORPG soon?
    Day eleven of recommending Stay Gold from the Arknights OST

  5. Really want to hear your reaction to a song that plays towards the end of 6.0 … Two Songs actually … you likely will because they're amazing. 😀

  6. i'm sooo excited for you! i wish i could see your reactions to the story but i know that playing with an audience is just different and i wish you the best experience possible. but when you finish the game please make a video gushing over it, that would be lovely!

  7. "On wings of hope you rise up through the night, higher! Oh, higher!"

    Oh boy… only if you knew… I completed Endwalker within 2 weeks of its release and my only regret is that I can never play this game for the very first time ever again.

  8. I remember it mentioned that the song is meant to be something of a duet between zodiark and hydaelyn using the male and female vocals, with the dragon's song calling to war midway. The translation to the heavens ward section is similar to what is in dragon song but the context and some words have changed it from a call of destruction to a call to arms to defend the world.

  9. This game, along with every expansion, has made me cry, cheer, laugh, and more. More than any other game in my lifetime. I've loved many games, from many genres. I've been playing since the nes days. When it comes to the total package of music, gameplay and story, this beats out everything else for me.

    This song was a culmination of all that came before it. A crescendo, the climax to all the hardships, the tragedies and triumphs of FFXIV as a whole. A lot of games can't pull this off. Basically no MMO has ever done it right. And yet here we stand.

    My commentary is obviously aimed at more than the music, but I just love everything about my time with FFXIV :).

  10. As someone who has been playing for the last 7 years, the way they did Footfalls absolutely had me a bawling mess when I heard it the first few times. This game has meant so much to me, and hearing the journey we've made through the game in music form was just…BOOM. Right in feels, no chance to find my feet beforehand. XD

  11. Last time i watched this trailer was before the Endwalker release . Endwalker was my goty 2021 and top 3 all time , never saw that happening.
    I'm a huge Yakuza fan and in 2020 i was telling everyone that i have my top 4 2021 Yakuza 6,5,4,3 but then i played Nier replicant and it became my nr1 till Endwalker

  12. A theory I have on why they went rock instead of the original choir/orchestral version for the storm blood part is because of the complete reversal of the Harlem situation in garlemald. The grand choir of the nation is now reduced to a fraction of what it was

  13. Man you really have a soft spot for FFXIV. Me too as well.

    Anyway one of the most satisfying and complete experience, in my opinion, is when you have to talk objectively about something you love. That's because despite the fact you may recognize some flaws in that thing, you know you still love it. I got no education in music or whatsoever, I am just speaking generally. But it was clear to me how much you really wanted to talk about this song throughout the video itself, you had some sort of positive anxiety like "oh I must tell them about this part of the song, it's incredible!! they must know it, they can't miss this!!!".

    I really enjoyed the video, keep it up!

  14. Oh man, Endwalker…what an experience, what a time had – what an absolutely amazing emotional time.
    I hope you enjoy the absolute wonder that is yet to come, and that you walk the end with head held high! <3

    …I certainly did. ;3


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