Leitmotifs of FFXIV – Lahabrea

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19 thoughts on “Leitmotifs of FFXIV – Lahabrea”

  1. Absolutely love the showcase ! FFXIV is my favourite game, in part due to it's music. I love to study the way the team use and reuse all the different themes trough all of the expansions.
    If you want to do more videos like this one, please do !

  2. I love those "aha!" moments when you realize what themes are being mixed together in new music. Big reason why the music is one of the things that genuinely makes me the most excited for new patches. Looking forward to what the savage "White Stone Black" will sound like.

  3. And the missing link in all of this is Sabik – hence why we hear the Cloud Deck theme during P8. Here's hoping that that mystery is finally lifted in the final floors of Panda.

  4. More of these please! FFXIV is a masterclass in how to use leitmotifs in video games IMHO, all the various tracks working together and being brought back when nessecary.


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