Krimson KB Reacts: Vs. Zodiark – FFXIV Endwalker MSQ

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9 thoughts on “Krimson KB Reacts: Vs. Zodiark – FFXIV Endwalker MSQ”

  1. s the trial music for this is such a banger and so epic, it makes you really think it's the end, though it's obviously isn't. the fact we played right into his hands without realizing it, and the fact we had no choice but to dance to his tune. such a well crafted moment, and the full expansion hadn't even started! :'3

  2. My first time, took us almost the entire time limit before we managed to beat him. Think we wiped like 7x and one of our DPS DCed
    On our 6th attempt we had him at 01% health before we wiped xD


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