Krimson KB Reacts – Has your Journey been good? – FFXIV Endwalker MSQ

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12 thoughts on “Krimson KB Reacts – Has your Journey been good? – FFXIV Endwalker MSQ”

  1. Elpis was the best area/story in the game. It's where everything clicks into place and we finally see the puzzle, that is FF14, in it's entirety, and we can say with confidence: We are Ready for the End.

    My journey? BEST JOURNEY EVER

  2. The cutscene where you tell your story to Emet, hythlo and Venat i basically told myself "yeah, im probably sound like the craziest person ever" and "so you are a goddess, you sacrificed yourself to create another god, and i killed you after you tried to bring everyone back from the dead by killing everyone".

  3. I find Elpis to be the single biggest and most ambitious gamble that the writing team for FF14 has ever taken. The story in this zone had to focus on and establish 5 different characters; Emet-Selch, Hythlodaeus, Venat, Hermes, and Meteion.

    Emet-Selch was an incredibly popular antagonist from the previous expansion. It would have been a really easy trap to fall into to end up allowing him to steal the spotlight.

    Hythlodaeus, Venat, and Hermes are all character that HAD been introduced previously, but none of them had been firmly established.

    We met and spoke with the shade version of Hythlodaeus several times, but that was just the version Emet-Selch had made based on his memories. And when we DID get to meet the real Hythlodaeus, it was only for a couple of brief sentences and we were busy trying to stop Fandaniel and Zenos from freeing Zodiark.

    With Venat, we saw the conversation she had with others about summoning Hydaelyn back in Shadowbringers. Beyond that, we only had really brief conversations with Hydaelyn once or twice (with the other times being her speaking TO us, but not us being able to talk to her) and then that last conversation with Hydaelyn/Venat on the boat as we headed to Old Sharlayan. And a lot of our interactions with Hydaelyn could have been tinged with suspicion over her role as a Primal.

    We did have quite a few interactions with Fandaniel, but that was specifically the sundered Amon personality that was pretty distinct from Hermes (as Elidibus noted).

    Meteion was a new character who needed to be introduced properly, as she would prove integral towards the overall story.

    The fact that the writers were able to properly balance the story and these characters in such a short period is impressive. They did a better job of writing and establishing those characters in this single zone than other games have done in entire expansions. It's mindblowing how well it was all done.

    And Venat is now one of my favorite female characters in all of gaming.

  4. When Venat asked us about our 'personal adventures', my mind – and thus head-canon – immediately jumped to Hildibrand questlines, doubly so if you've actually done them. And of all the storylines in FFXIV up to this point, Hildibrand quests remain the one thing that I feel would make Venat giggle and look shocked. XD


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