It's the shoes for me | Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker Gameplay [#4]

Title & Thumbnail by: Chelsea Schneider
Recorded: December 14, 2021
Platform: PC

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4 thoughts on “It's the shoes for me | Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker Gameplay [#4]”

  1. Talking about the Cowboy Bebop discussion, I kinda felt the same way about cowboy bebop as I did about the Ghost in the Shell live action. Both are shows that are exploring the human emotion of existential wonder. What does it mean to be alive, how can you be sure the reality you're experiencing is the true reality that others are sharing along side you? and both adaptations failed to address that in a manner that matched the essence of the originals. The spirit wasn't really captured and It seemed like the producers saw the visual aspects of the media and went "this is what we have to do" and ignored the spirit of the shows.

    Meanwhile, Witcher season 2 deviates GREATLY from the source material in terms of characters, but still captures the spirit of the source material and provides an enjoyable "AU Witcher" story that still hits the major story beats while adding and adapting to other aspects of the story.

  2. On the topic of NFTs, i just couldn't with all my heart indulge it. Especially as an artist, seeing sooo many people getting their art stolen, it was meant to be "the future of art!!" but it just…isn't. It is devaluing so much physical labor for artists, and it does nothing to foster a better space for artists. It's only goal is to reap the most amount of money. That money is also just wholly unreliable when you're paying to host NFTs, sell them and even get it to people's faces. they're just shiny trading cards at this point. I think it is a symbol of wider economic problem that many people see it and go: "I can get rich, fast!! as long as the sucker behind me thinks that this is valuable!!".


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