Zepla reacts to FFXIV Winning the Best Community Award

For the gamesradar article please visit: https://www.gamesradar.com/final-fantasy-14-wins-best-community-at-the-golden-joystick-awards-2021/

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33 thoughts on “Zepla reacts to FFXIV Winning the Best Community Award”

  1. Dream? Like Dream the minecraft youtuber with the army of toxic little kids who spam bully other minecraft creators into quitting streaming? How the hell did they get on a best community award list?

  2. Not all ppl have the same good start as everyone else though I started playing together with my friend, i did the msq, but he didnt like lore and skipped. When we both reached max lvl we both had the same amount of fun. We raided together, dungeons, trials, pvp and bozja. But during all that time…he got some much shit for not doing the lore. Everyone in the FC kept saying that he had to do it or else he was stupid. And one time he told a dude we were doing dungeons with (cause we were talking about the game while doing the dungeon), the dude got so mad and told my friend that he should uninstall the game……like wtf is up with these hardcore fans. He ended up quitting ff14 because he started disliking the community so much, and i was left to play alone 🙁 Didnt take long before i quit after that, because i wanted to play the game with my friend. So yeah, there is alot of shitty ppl in ff14 if u dont play the game the way they want you to.

  3. So true! Yoshi-P is an amazing human being and it shows in his work and the way he respects our community! I honestly don't think it would be the same Game/experience without him! and compared to all the other ones listed most definitely the least toxic. IMO there is NO comparison to Destiny or R6S or even no mans sky….
    Can we be honest tho…. Do you think whoever wrote that article has ever even played it… i dont lol

  4. The second day I played. I bought the game so I could make a bunny girl. I was walking around just outside limsa, lvl 8. Completely lost. I go into map chat and ask for directions. My, now, FC leader immediately responded and said “I got a guy in the area.” And sent me a FC member to drive me around. That FC member became my Mentor.

  5. I admit that I act kinda toxic at times. I tend to get really sassy and bitchy and I'm sure some players don't have very fond memories of me. I always do my best to be nice and had some players thank me for good and friendly interactions, but I know that there is that angry side of me that I show way too often lately.
    Seeing this, seeing Yoshi-P accepting this award for the community…it makes me feel hella guilty for the times I've been an ass to people (even tho some deserved it) and I promise to try and keep being nice, welcoming and friendly.
    I wanna try and be a better person, deserving to be in this awesome community.

  6. ff14 beating out all those other games in the "still playing" category is a massive achievement, when you take into consideration how the game launched and also the fact that CSGO is the #1 played game on steam 99.99% of the time on steam charts.

  7. One thing I've noticed is the HUGE difference that player experience based on data center and server. A friend of mine asked me to play on a server apart from my alt and he got so frustrated: he quit and despite my attempts to get him back, he refuses. I will admit I get frustrated at times; but, I usually switch to doing something else in game. With that said: I cannot bring myself to attempt a healing or tanking job as if I wanted to hear verbal abuse and put downs, I'd call someone in RL to hear it. Having said that: I would like to learn those jobs in FFXIV; but, haven't found a "helpful" server yet. Yes, I love the FC my main is in as I play mostly ranged DPS or melee. I do know that certain "communities" are degraded by many FCs or are not accepted. I also know that many FCs are very "clicky" in that they will only help certain people or run things with certain FC members. I have personally experienced asking for assistance or asking how to unlock/get something: only to be ignored or overlooked while someone else can ask the exact same thing and have people chomping at the bit to help them. Maybe I will "visit" other servers one day; but, that will be at a later date.

  8. Players are the same. They adopt to game system. The same players were playing the most toxic game in MMO scope until a few months ago.

    But the developers are completely different from the other game!

  9. The first thing I think of when I see Yoshi-P in those 2 shirts is:
    "One brings shadow, one brings light"
    "Two-toned echoes tumbling through time"

    "Threescore wasted, ten cast aside"
    *guitar riff begins……

  10. There's always been a lingering thought in the back of my head, when I want to play FFXIV, "Should I play? I'm super far behind. Will I have enough time to catch up? What if I don't catch up?"
    All of these worries and concerns, because of Blizzard's method of maintaining player retention. I could get back into FFXIV, but I burned myself out trying to get through Heavensward.

  11. I've also had that happen to me – where a stranger crafted decent hq crafting accessories for me – I felt so grateful and they asked for nothing in return T_T
    They had every job and profession at 60 besides DRG at 61 so I think they must've been on a big high after finally progressing beyond the free trial.

  12. The nier raid experience of that person you describe. I had way too many similar experiences in various lvl80 raids. So many healers even have hilarious lines that pop up in chat every time they res you. 😂 Shout out especially to Twintania healers for their immense patience with me 😘😘😘

  13. "When I realised I could just not do that, and not worry about the time restraints, and just stop playing, it was such a relief" There it is, right there. The reason WoW's end game is horrible and actually a burden on its player base, and the reason I stopped playing after 15+ years

  14. It's almost a meme at this point lol
    It's no surprise though. Ultimately, the community is good because the game is generally designed in such a way as to discourage toxicity. The devs serve as a role model for the player base, and it's very nice to see.

  15. The community is borderline rapist.
    Far from the best community.
    "Your girl is a whore for getting attention she doesn't want, she deserves to be raped."
    After getting about 20 people banned and with no changes in sight, we just quit the game instead.
    At least in WoW the community is nice to you, even if Blizzard isn't.

  16. This is like getting a prize for being the least smelly kernal of corn on the pile of shit. Pat yourself on the back but, don't hurt yourself. The ffxiv community still has plenty of dick heads.

  17. I’m pretty Sure i ruined it in the 2 weeks I was playing ff14 and more people will to. It’s so funny to troll people in ff14 they get butthurt so easily it’s so fun XD


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