It's the middle of the dungeon! Why isn't it on!? #finalfantasy14 #ffxiv #ff14memes ##ffxivmemes


35 thoughts on “It's the middle of the dungeon! Why isn't it on!? #finalfantasy14 #ffxiv #ff14memes ##ffxivmemes”

  1. Look, us WAR mains aren't the brightest knives in the crayon box. Sometimes, ok a lot of times, you get lost in the fell cleave and the rest of the world just kinda falls away and its just you and the crits and life is good.

  2. I hate that it turns it off as you are doing roulettes and stuff. Like bruh just leave it on even if it syncs your level. I much rather forget to turn it off then on even if its a trial.

  3. I'm new to tanking, fresh from being a healer (WHM) main, i forget sometimes and usually a realization, stance and provoke later things are fine hehe (for trials at least, if it's a dungeon and you're not already running W2W with the ads you deserve to get left behind with what you pulled lmao 😂) ((kidding, my kind healer nature won't let me let you suffer like that xD))

  4. If I had a nickel for each time DRK stance is down, i'd have 2, which isn't much, but its odd it happened twice.

    Also both times when DRK has lost stance were in SB 61 dungeon, and that made me think do their fingers slip? because it happens usually almost at final boss 😀

    my stance button is not binded, i need to click on it so I wont accidently unstance myself

  5. I don't mind if tanks forget. I DO mind if they forget AND they don't read 😂 I just sit there and spam <se.6> to get their attention and even then, I've had a few oblivious tanks.

    Had that happpen in Dzemael and it makes it impossible to kill the first boss because he refused to pull it to the crystals. So, as the healer, I just let him die and we did the fight without him. No I don't feel bad. That run was 50 minutes long because of him.


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