FFXIV Patch 6.4 Trailer Analysis (The Dark Throne)

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32 thoughts on “FFXIV Patch 6.4 Trailer Analysis (The Dark Throne)”

  1. It seems like there were some video editing errors, because after 12:49, it sounds like you are about to play an audio clip from the trailer, but I can't hear anything. Similarly with 13:05, and perhaps further from that point too.

  2. I honestly think that abomination with the pustules is Pandæmona. I just find the IV references almost too blatant to the point of expecting a twist. I know we’re getting one. Don’t know how, don’t know when, but it is coming. I can feel it.

  3. I will say and i think people didnt notice it but when they do the shot of showing the pillars that held zodiark you can see inside the pit and see a massive void rift opened up in it that looks to cover the entire opening that void rift is not currently in game since the pit still looks all orange like the beams that come out of it so either we opened that void rift or golbez did himself idk but ya

  4. Iirc, that green earring on that new Garlean character miiiight be the deepshadow one but recoloured? I think it's also used for the Rinascita crafted gear! Regardless, interesting that they gave this npc not only a special recolour, but the darbar healing top from Alzadaal too, oddly enough. He also seems to have a… slightly unique face? I swear there's wrinkles near his eyes that look different compared to other 'matured' face models. Maybe I'm overthinking it though!

  5. the german trailer might have spoiled something? When the line drops "Come face me" at 2:58 in the Trailer, he says something specific instead.

    Potential Spoilers

    The german Trailer drops the line that sounds kind of like this : "All my power to the Meteion!! " .

    This might imply that he wants to kill everybody with emo Meteions salvation?

  6. I saw somewhere on Twitter that someone noticed, in the scene where Zero talks about the soldiers of Barren, the tall blonde guy holds a sword that is similar to Golbez’s sword in the trial and has a striking resemblance to what he looks like in FF4: The After Years.

  7. One thing I haven't seen people talking about is during 0:45 on the trailer with the "Golbez" echo vision, is that Zero is right there behind him and the black haired dude, so it is interesting that there are high chances that Zero and Golbez knew each other before the 13th went to shit

  8. This trailer is great when you see Golbez distract us with his battle and his dragon. his true action for plan still unknow.
    Yeah he want to save 'THE WORLD' but HOW?
    Dragons not primary keys at all…. He have her and Zodiark shard sooo long time… and his plan just start when WoL come to save Azdaja.
    If he just want them truely dead, then he just sent voidsent to our world like he did to Cagnazzo and Rubicante.
    Nope he just sent them only to destroy our voidgate…
    Which is lead to message of Rubicante… 'on the moon of 13th', I think Golbez knows Rubi very well and that make his plan perfect.
    Golbez knows shard exist, know ways to travel between shard, maybe he even know 'WHY' shard exist and that's lead to our moon that's gate to the void and other shard…

    I think WoL on the 13th moon is his key to lead his plan to success.

    maybe the convince line in trailer is not for Scions/Vtra but for Azem…

    We tease about how voidsent change personality after devour weaker If strong enough personality will not get this effect.
    and Zodiark aether surely strong than Golbez but Zodiark still in seal state so He may manage to devour it…
    That's mean Ancient countless souls desire salvation of 'their original star' is IN Golbez.
    and That's mean…. REJOINING IS BACK!
    and the only way to bring balance to the void to make rejoining continue…. is the Light….
    The First is in danger…. (1st is tease a lot about voidsent lore).

    His fight may no more than try to convince and distract our time to made new Calamity….

    but 'WHY WoL on the moon needed' is still missing reason…

    Imagine WoL come to 13th moon and fight him then him destroy gate back on the moon and then we need to find the way back to the source instead LOL.

    Wait…. or is he find a way to nerf WoL…. to become normies again…. Echos… Blessing of Light… Power of our shard….

    become normies to make new adventures…. in 7.0 wait why is this make sense when they(CBU3) want 7.0 to become newbie friendly… new arc start point….

    Imagine he use the 1st's moon to seal WoL that reflection shard(Ardbert). In that way we back to normie again….

    Don't mind me i'm just COPE rn.

  9. In english Golbez is saying something completely different at the end of the trailer then in the german one. In the german trailer he says: "Finally the time has come. All my might(or strength/power) in meteo!"

  10. Almost positive that Zero's gonna absorb a substantial amount of void energy after Golbez's defeat, or to help defeat Golbez; I feel like it's either going to be Zodiark, or an entity that Golbez is referring to with his initial monologue of "saving" the Thirteenth. Zero wouldn't be able to control it, so it manifests as Zeromus, and we have to basically, for lack of better phrasing, beat it out of her in 6.5 most likely to save her. If we save Azdaja, we might be able to use whatever we use to save her on Zero(mus) to bring her back around, and officially add her to our crew

    A~nd I wouldn't worry about Thancred… But I would Vrtra. Think he's gonna sacrifice himself to try and free Azdaja, or if she dies (since she's basically Golbez's "Shadow/Demon Dragon" for those that played FF4, her name literally meaning "demon dragon"), he might sacrifice himself to help us defeat Golbez in a fit of grief-fueled determination. Either way, feel like it's a slim chance that he's gonna make it, and it sucks because I 'really' like Vrtra lol

  11. The audio gets a little goofy in the video friend, some places the trailer is playing loudly over you to the point i can't tell what you're saying and at other points you refer to what the trailer is saying but then there is silence. Luckily I've also just watched the trailer so i know what you're on about but you might wanna future proof this a little bit lol

  12. hypothesis:
    Elidibus/themis effectively died in the first empowering the portal to elpis.
    his soul went to the aetherial sea and ended in the source, pandemonium arrived in the present, and themis soul was made manifest like Asahi previously

  13. My big money is that by P12, it's going to be the big reveal that essentially we'll be fighting Pandemona as the final boss so to speak. Both due to the name fitting, likely being the biggest most dangerous 'failed/dangerous' creation ever to be sealed in its prison walls….and also because it's afaik the last main Final Fantasy 8 "summon" that has yet to appear in any way in this game. And assuming we're almost done with past summons ever coming back once 7.0 hits, it's probably the one chance it has left to appear to complete the roster and so on.

  14. I just love your takes on lore. I wasn't sure what I was watching when I watched the trailer, but having it all laid out this made a lot of sense. I'm sure pieces of it may be wrong, way wrong or close, but I think you're pretty close on all of it. Thank you!


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