Ishikawa Returns for Endwalker, Xbox Version & Deep Dungeon – FFXIV News

Repost to fix to a part that repeated itself. Enjoy!


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39 thoughts on “Ishikawa Returns for Endwalker, Xbox Version & Deep Dungeon – FFXIV News”

  1. Deep Dungeons are bland, they lack the interesting variation of Nyzul Isle style deep dungeon and give little interaction bar just killing the mobs put in front of you. Its on square enix themselves to make the deep dungeons interesting and exciting not just throw the idea away.

  2. FF11 never added new races, and it was fine. I think the options that exist in 14 are all we really need – the main thing we're lacking is a bestial female option to go with Hrothgar being the male one, and adding female Hrothgar would fix that so long as they don't make them too slender. Male Viera would also be nice, natch, but I don't think it fills as unique a niche since male Elezen already have the 'tall slender guy' thing going on.

    Though speaking of Elezen, some touchups on previous races would be my preference over new ones. Elezen are extremely unpopular just because they look very stiff in terms of running animations. You can make a good looking one face-wise, but it takes a bit of tweaking, too. Comparing female Elzen to Viera is a hell of a thing. Doing some visual touch-ups on them would probably result in more people rolling them, or fantasia'ing to them, which would basically mean there'd be more race variety – which is the main purpose of adding new races. And while I'm sure making it look good without noticeably altering the appearance of people who do already play Elezen would be difficult (since people get attached to their characters), it wouldn't have the sheer workload that making a brand new race would.

  3. no male viera. they're useless and pointless. their only existence is to fuel some weird people's fantasy and selfish satisfaction. through the lore and other ff games..these fuckers didn't do shit and was nowhere to be found while their women was fighting along the heroes. deadbeats aren't needed.

  4. During the announcement showcase the live chat was absolutely exploding with "male vierra!" comments. I think if they don't at least introduce male vierra it will leave a very bad taste in people's mouths. I for one have been hoping for the last 2 years that they make male vierra and judging by the comments that day I wasn't the only one.

  5. Happy, please. They are not doing anything server side to disallow certain helmets to be worn. The client already has all the data to know that on its own. The issue is rather that they can't (or don't want to) go through the effort of modelling all headpieces to fit the very different Hrothgar hair styles and Viera ears (yet).

  6. I really want them to go back and add more customization options to the older races. Whether that's body types or even just more make-up, facial features, or even extra features.
    Like how Au Ra have their limbral setting in the eyes. Having other auxiliaries for other races would be cool too. But yeah might be difficult but one can dream lol.

  7. Yoshi P definitely knew about we're going to the moon during the blue mage reveal event. He asked the audience where do we think shadowbringer will take us. One of the random audience yelled "The moon!" Yoshida looked at the general direction where he heard it and he expressed interests in that claim by nodding and repeating the word "The moon".

  8. People keep saying that the job quest stories were finished but that doesn't mean you can't start new stories. Role Quests are not a valid replacement for actual job stories, they don't feel the same and feels like yet another piece of content that we lost for something lesser.

  9. I miss the individual job quests we used to get, its cos of that some of us fell in love with certain jobs in the game
    and got a glimpse of ishikawa's writing prowess. Role quests are cool as heck dont get me wrong but i liked the individual ones too, gave the jobs character and personality if that makes any sense

  10. One of the main reasons my main is a Viera is because I wanted to play Rdm and look like the FFT:A version, which was Viera exclusive, but I can't because of the hats not being visible. I main Whm instead now but I still would like to be able to wear hats and helmets.

  11. once again these show why I respect so much our producer and director:
    (related to Natsuko Ishikawa)
    “Of course, she did not work alone in creating the main scenario (for Shadowbringers as well)— the story is born from the hard work of each member of the team contributing to make the best story possible. Endwalker is following a similar flow, so please look forward to it!”
    (related to Masayoshi Soken)
    "By the way, although Soken composes the majority of FF14’s tracks, there are of course others that have been provided by other artists. Try having a look through the soundtracks we’ve released so far!
    He's always trying to credit everybody involved, not just the leadership.

  12. I vastly prefer Soken than Uematsu. Uematsu is brilliant of course, and Im not saying 'but Soken is better', it's just a personal preference, I adore what Soken has produced.

    I'm also super happy Ishikawa is coming back as lead writer. Shadowbringers was amazing, especially how the ascians went from generic evil bad guys trying to destroy the world to being more sympathetic with reasons that are honestly very difficult to argue with (at least from their side)

  13. I’m actually surprised we’re getting a Level 90 Job Quest as I feel like for atleast the jobs I have done the Level 80 quests for, it’s wrapped up the story nicely. Especially the Dark Knight quest which in my opinion was a perfect somber finale for that entire storyline.

  14. I kind of want them to release the new classes before the expansion comes out, like how World of Warcraft released Demon Hunter before Legion came out for people to play and get to level 90 so they could dive right into Legion. (That was if you pre-ordered Legion but that's not the point.)

    When Endwalker comes out I wanna get right into the story, but depending on what this new melee class is I might wanna play that as my new main class, but again I wanna dive right into Endwalker's story, not start a new class and have to go from 70 to 80 before I start doing the MQ. I think the new classes should release about a month, or maybe even just a week, before Endwalker, that gives more than enough time to level the new classes from 70 to 80 and gives time to learn them well enough.

  15. I am 1 minute in and already have to comment, because i want to tell you that i really love how you put emphasis on the original sources of your information. It is rarely done at all in yt vids and i really appreciate, that you do it this explicitely.

  16. I know the chances are basically nil since they are "technically" a beast tribe, but words cannot express how badly I want to be an Ivalician-Style moogle. They were alluded to in Stormblood, I want to be a little fuzzy Dark Knight.

  17. I really wish people would stop asking about new races.

    Yoshida has explained many times why they did things the way they did and why they don't want to do new races. I'm sorry if some people don't understand the explanation? But I feel like he's done MORE than enough to earn your trust so that when he says "It's not really feasible, here's why" you just take him at his word. If nothing else, the incomplete state of the races we DID get (lack of gender options, lack of hairstyles, and the fact that most headgear doesn't work on them) should be enough to tell you that it's not as easy as a lot of you seem to think it is. I'm sorry that not everybody was able to get EXACTLY what they wanted in terms of race options, but what we DO have is pretty freaking good. Leave the man alone, and maybe ask for things he hasn't already said no to?


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