Last week we finished the base game of FFXIV Shadowbringers and though I did not get as emotional as I thought I would with a finale, I think it’s because I had to take 2 weeks off of streaming the game.
At this point, I have to say that Shadowbringers has been my favourite expansion especially given how intense all of the drama got throughout the expansion and I have to say I’m quite shocked that we defeated Emet Selch since I started to believe that he wasn’t as evil as we were lead to believe.
However I still have an inkling of hope that we will be seeing some characters again in an obscure change of events, I think the most shattering plot point has been having to say goodbye to Ardbert who is my soul’s other half. While I am thrilled he can finally find peace, given that he helped save the Source from a Calamity, his appearances will be missed especially since I have grown extremely fond of him.
With all of our friends now safe and sound, including our best boy G’raha Tia, we must figure out a way to return the Scions back to the Source. The idea is currently to trap their Aether into White Auracite much as you would that of an Ascian Soul, though our current difficulty is whether or not there will be any adverse effects on the Soul once it is released.
Our storylines have split once again, with one set of cutscenes being with me, the Warrior of Light, and Tataru, our friends G’raha Tia, Urianger, Y’shtola and with Thancred and Ryne seemingly doing their own thing. In the background we’ve now witnessed Zenos defeat his father, returning him to our main enemy for the time being.
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