Inside A REAL Final Fantasy 14 Cult: The Story of Dreadwyrm Academy

Xeno reacts to a tale from the duty finder, the story of Dreadwyrm Academy, an FC with cult like rules which was ruled with an iron fist. Xeno, with the help of chat, also finds an archived link of their website from the past, and using the Wayback Machine he manages to see who the Dreadwyrm Academy members were, what were they doing and the rules they had to follow.

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#Xeno #FFXIV #finalfantasyxiv

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen

Background music by Sirius Beat

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23 thoughts on “Inside A REAL Final Fantasy 14 Cult: The Story of Dreadwyrm Academy”

  1. Have you heard about the cult where people think they're ascians irl? 😀 The leader (nicknamed the ascian fker) says she's married to Emet-Selch or Elidibus, idr, and has graphic s*xual dreams bout it LMAO

  2. I was in a similar FC on Light.
    It was fun. I mean, cringe but I like cringe things.
    We were a dozen ppl new to the game inside that Fc.
    The best thing was we couldn’t use discord to communicate.
    We were forced to use the FC chat for everything. Then a day a dick flew on that chat.
    Ah, those were my golden ages. Sometimes I miss them.
    Then I left that cult and started to play FFXIV.

  3. I can confirm this I was once a member here and nep is a insane person he asked me to leave my static to run stuff with them and that I couldn't be with my own static when the FC needed raiders! That dude is insane I would say for sure please find another FC for the love of god don't do it together yourself!

  4. This game itself has a cult in every corner. But that's the Internet in a nutshell. Majority of players just cope at the fact they can't clear an ultimate on EXPANSION release so they go insane


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